精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Exclusive: Oasis and U2 do Europe together! February 10 - posted by Oscar Swedish newspaper Expressen reveils today that Oasis will be touring Europe together with Bono and The Edge in U2! 瑞典!?嘿嘿 Andy 老婆大人的故鄉咧... This will be the hottest tour package in a lot of years! The two biggest rock'n'roll bands in the world today touring. 過獎了過獎了;) The tour is set to include 20 huge concerts spread around Europe. For all we know it's all in the making right now. 這次的巡迴預計在全歐共舉辦 20 場的演唱會,細節部分目前都正在接洽 We can count on that this will be an extremely big thing. U2 has been planning a stadium tour in Europe for a while and Oasis as well, so this is highly believeable. 無論是 U2 或 Oasis 其實都曾計畫在歐洲舉辦大型的室內巡迴演唱, 因此這個合作的消息應該是十分的可靠 Last time U2 visited Sweden they played infront of 60,000 people and last time Oasis played in Sweden they did infront of 30,000 people. So, are they gonna play infront of 100,000 people this time? 這家報紙還很可愛的預測說上一次兩個樂團造訪瑞典的時候,分別辦了 6 萬和 3 萬人的演唱會,那這一次一起辦豈不是要來個 10 萬人的演唱會囉? Noel's new favorite band "The Hives" recently turned down Noel's wish about The Hives playing with them on the tour. For all of you who don't know who the hives are, they're a quite new band from Sweden and they've had a very good response among Oasis fans. Obviously The Hives are quite crazy, turning down touring with Oasis and U2. 還提到 Noel 新的愛團 The Hives,竟然拒絕這次和 Oasis 以及 U2 在歐洲巡迴的 邀請,想必他們是個瘋狂的樂團吧!The Hive 為一個新進的瑞典樂團。 This hasn't been officially confirmed yet, but it has not been made up by Expressen. I believe Noel asked the Hives about this and they turned it down and then they contacted Expressen about it. I phoned Expressen today asking what the sources are for that article and was told to call back tomorrow Monday. So I will call them tomorrow and then publish a new story about what they said. 為了進一步求證這項消息的可信度,The Masterplan 的站長還要繼續打電話過去 那家報社詢問,有任何的進展會隨時回報。 If you know swedish you can read the original article here: http://www.expressen.se/article.asp?id=97564 (瑞典原文報導網址) Source: The-Masterplan.com & Expressen.se Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- 日子過著過著,我們不會覺得這裡少了一篇散文、少了一篇小說; 可是時時刻刻我會感到內在的某種虛空與饑渴,覺得在這裡, 面對這樣東西、這個人、這份感動或恐懼、這道閃逝的光芒, 應該有一首詩、或一句詩,應該有的。 --楊照/“也許有一天,可以找到這樣一首詩” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: