精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nme.com/news/696.htm 頭子 1993 年的筆記手稿 意外出現在 Christie's 的拍賣行列中 裡頭包括許多 DM 和更早期的歌詞草稿、曲目和想法 The book reveals Noel suggested the title 'Datura Dream Rebound' for Oasis' first album, 'Definitely Maybe', and planned to include their first Christmas single, 'Whatever', as the final track. 'Whatever' never made it on to an Oasis album. He also planned to release 'Bring It On Down' as their debut single. (They eventually released 'Supersonic'.) 前後對照的一些有趣的轉變 像是第一張專輯 Definitely Maybe 原本被頭子叫做 Datura Dream Rebound (怪?_?..) 'Whatever' 本來是要放在 DM 最後一首歌,後來卻單獨出成聖誕節單曲 另外 DM 的第一張單曲原先是考慮 'Bring It On Down' 最後還是發行 'Supersonic' One set of lyrics for an unreleased song, 'Is That A Fact?', is a look into the relationship of the Gallagher brothers. The song begins: "Alright I'm going home 好啦我要回家了 Don't want to hear your voice no more... 不想再聽到你的聲音 What's that you say? 你到底在說些什麼鬼? You never liked me anyway!? 反正你從來沒喜歡過我 Is that a fact?? 不是嗎? Well I don't care 嗯我不在乎 What you need is a real good hiding 你給我好好躲起來 'Coz with you I've been siding all my life 因為我不想什麼都分你一半 I know you're my brother 我知道你是我兄弟 But only because you came from my mother 但那只是因為你也是我媽生的 Time and time again 一次又一次 I've seen what you're really like" 我看透了你真正的死樣子 呵另外還發現了未發表的一些歌 像是上面這首 'Is That A Fact?' 歌詞看起來就像是 Noel 在詮釋他和 Liam 愛恨挖苦的兄弟關係 Other unreleased lyrics include 'Tracksuit Bottoms': "I've been watching you You over there in your tracksuit bottoms What's your problem with the world?" 'I Am Always Right': "'Cos I'm the man who's done and seen all that there has ever been And I'm always right!!". 呵以上兩首也都是為尚未發表過的片段 真是自我中心到了極點啊^^... Lyrics to a song called 'Chill' hint at the time when Noel joined LIAM's old band RAIN to form Oasis back in 1992. It goes: "The rain's long gone It's time to make it mine When it all comes down you'll be asking me for spare change But a dollar won't save you from the chill" 這一首是 Noel 剛加入 Oasis 前身 RAIN 時的作品 透露想改朝換代,由自己主導創作的企圖 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下是手稿的掃描圖: http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page1.jpg
(天哪原來 'Married with Children' 最初叫很俗的 'Love' 啊^^) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page2.jpg
(哇 Rock 'n' Roll Star 耶^0^~) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page3.jpg
(曲目編排的好怪哦...) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page4.jpg
(Rockin' Chair...) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page5.jpg
(Stand by Me;) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page6.jpg
(哇哇哇怎麼那麼多歌名都沒看過啊!_!~ 呵我看頭子真的要學披頭等解散後狂出一些 unreleased songs...) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page7.jpg
(Only My Pride...?) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page8.jpg
(D'Yer Wanna Be A Spaceman;) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page9.jpg
(翻唱鮑伊叔的 Heroes;) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page10.jpg
(Chill...) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page11.jpg
(When I'm Around...) http://www.nme.com/newsdeskimg/page12.jpg
(歌詞完全不一樣的 Listen Up...) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 嗯怎麼覺得有些字跡不是很像 Noel 啊... 如果有看過頭子簽名的板友應該能了解我的疑惑吧... anyway it's fun to see those sheets;) Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong. --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (03/16 11:55)
molly:把兄弟吵架寫在歌裡,真好玩的歌詞^^b 推 03/16
RaeLLennon:"Love"給John Lennon用就不俗啦,看人啦 :i 推 03/16