精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Q: Did you ever apologise to your brother over the Barcelona incident? 你們兄弟倆在經歷去年那次嚴重的爭吵事件後,曾經向彼此道過歉嗎? Liam: "Did I?" 我有嗎?(ㄏㄡ\還要問哥哥哦;) Noel: "I think you may have, in your own little way. You certainly didn't say the word 'sorry'." 我想你也許有吧,不過是以你自己的方式, 你當然不會說出“對不起”這三個字囉。 Liam: "I let you back in the band again! That was the best apology. Heh heh! Shit happens, man. You're certainly not gonna fooking split up over an argument. There's too much at stake." 我(大人有大量)讓你(悔過自新)回到團裡ㄋㄟ!那不就是最好的道歉了嗎?嘿嘿! 鳥事總會發生的嘛,老兄,所以當然不能讓一場爭吵就他媽的毀掉整個團啊。 唉一言難盡吧。 Q: Your drinking nearly split the band up. 你酗酒的習慣差點讓整個團解散吧? Liam: "Completely. But that's the good thing, y'see, it didn't. And now we're stronger than what we've ever been." 沒錯。但現在想起來這倒不失為件好事,正因為經歷了那麼嚴重的考驗而 我們並沒有因此解散,所以現在整個團比起以前更為堅強了。 Q: Was that as bad as it ever got? 那真是有史以來最糟的情況嗎? Together: "Yeah." 異口同聲: 對。 Q: Well there's only one way to go from there…… Liam: "Which way's that?" Noel: "Back to the bar." (ㄟ抱歉清搞不清楚他們這段在玩什麼迂迴的文字遊戲:p) This October, Oasis play their first nationwide British tour since 1995, celebrating ten years of spectacular survival since their very first show at ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the Manchester Boardwalk on August 18th 1991, the day Noel was in the audience when a metaphorical lightbulb exploded over his head. 這一次的十年紀念演唱會其實並非從 '94 年出道開始算起, 而是從 Oasis 這個團 1991 年 8 月 18 日 的第一次演出來算的。 呵當時 Noel 還不是正式的團員哦,坐在台下看弟弟的團, 腦中卻已經迸發無限的想像和可能。 "There's no significance attached to it," Noel's saying, on the B&H, "other than the fact we're celebrating. We're our own biggest fans anyway and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we're going on the road to celebrate the fact that (grins head off) we're fucking mega." 啊啊啊好喜歡這一段哦^^ 頭子說當初會拼命抽 Benson & Hedges 並不是上癮,而是想狂歡慶祝, “反正我們是自己最大的歌迷嘛,而且剛好又有機會上路巡迴去慶祝證明一個事實 (說到這裡 Noel 露出不能自己的大笑)──我們真是他媽的紅耶。 What will they look like, these days, your fans? "What will they look like?" baulks Liam, bolting upright, also on Noel's B&H. "Fooking fans, man! You're making out like we're fooking 80! They'll be cool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ man, like they always were. Some of 'em might have a couple of fooking kids, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ who gives a fook, man? You can still be cool with kids and you can still be cool when you're fooking 50; I don't give a shit. I tell you what: I hope hardly any celebrities turn up, cos I give a shit, knowhatImean? I don't want all the so-called cool people backstage at our gigs cos they're all fooking knobs." 記者要求 Liam 想像一下他們這些日子來的歌迷是什麼樣子的? 結果 Liam 說你嘛卡拜託咧,問得好像我們已經老得必須重新定位我們的歌迷群, 反正他覺得從始至今到未來歌迷都是酷的, 即使有了小孩還在聽 Oasis 的歌(NoelRock 就有人是如此哦;), 也可以是很酷的事。 Q: There's a fear you're becoming this generation's Rolling Stones - an endless nostalgia machine. 恐怕也許你們會成為這個世代的“滾石合唱團” ── 一個永無止盡對搖滾樂懷舊因而不斷巡迴演唱的機器。 (請每個 mate 仔細看以下 Liam 回答的每一個字,然後為他起立鼓掌歡呼 30 秒!) 我他媽的在計中電腦前快感動的崩潰了^-^~) Liam: "Nah nah nah! There's none of that, man! Right? Cos the thing is, what d'you do? D'you split up? What's the point of splitting up? I'm not splitting up because some cunt don't like it! No-one can turn round to me and say I'm not into it. I'm bang into it and he's the same. There's no way I'll be turning like the fooking Rolling Stones. I don't go on the road to make money - it just so happens we do - but I go on the road to have a laugh an' play me rock'n'roll and that's the fooking end of it, and if anyone tries to tell me any different they're off their fooking tits. I don't wanna be the biggest band in the world any more, I wanna be the best. And we are the fooking best and I truly believe that. He's the best songwriter in the world, end of story and that's all that I can say….. So I'll see you all later (gets up, semi-grins, bowls towards fridge, finds some water, bowls back, sits down again)!" 不不不!不可能會發生那種事的,老兄!對吧!因為事實是, 不然你要幹嘛啊?你會選擇解散嗎?解散的話又有什麼意義呢? 我不會解散我的團只因為一些混蛋說他們不喜歡我們的東西! 沒有人可以告訴我我不投入這個團。我正玩得起勁呢而他(Noel)也是。 我絕不可能會變得像他媽的“滾石”。我巡迴演唱並不是為了賺大錢── 只是剛好我們的確賺錢── 但是我上路是為了其中的樂趣和演唱我(心愛)的搖滾樂, 就是他媽的如此。如果任何人有異議,他們就是他媽的欠揍。 我不再想當全世界最紅(biggest 有點難翻:p)的樂團,我只想當最棒的。 而我們是他媽的最棒,我真的如此相信著。他(Noel)也是全世界最棒的寫歌人, 就是如此,那是我所能說的...那就待會見囉﹝起身,露出半個賊笑,低身找冰箱, 拿了些水,回過身,再度坐下﹞! To be continued 待續... -- Thou shalt not play Oasis quietly EVER! 你們應當絕不安靜小聲的播放 Oasis 的歌! (因此造就我現在有點重聽的耳朵:p) --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: