精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
NoelRock一個在唱片行工作的美國mate 因為長久以來不服氣周圍的人老是貶伐Oasis 說他們只不過是專門拼湊老團的"遜咖" 於是便開始在店裡放一些Oasis不大為人知的單曲b-side或其他的創作demo 如果有人問起 他就告訴他們這是一個新進樂團的歌 在他放了大量的rare songs之後 還會故意順口稱讚個幾句 結果周圍人的反應變成: " Wow, that music is awesome. Who is that band again. That's a great song. " 呵^-^~ 最精彩的是當他揭曉真正的答案 大家都啞口無言了 Then I break the news to them that it's Oasis. They usually get pretty tongue tied because a band that they like to call untalented and lame, now is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a great band who's music rocks. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^因為一個他們原本認為沒有才華又軟腳的樂團 竟搖身一變成為自己口中的搖滾酷團... I love playing that joke on people. Just when they hear a song ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is by Oasis, it automatically sucks. I have now turned on at least 100 people ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to Oasis. I just love to prove to people that they have no clue what they're ^^^^^^^^^有你的,mate!^-^~我也把英文作文會話同組的幾個同學感化了呢;) talking about when it comes to Oasis. 超諷刺的... 有時候人真的會被刻板印象或既往的包袱給矇蔽 不再願意就事物的本質去探就體會 很多附加的因素一包圍上來 就扭曲改變了... Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" To: [email protected] From: [email protected] | Block address Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 09:42:13 EDT Reply-to: [email protected] Subject: Re: [Noelrock] No place for Oasis in Top 1,000 albums of all time Ya know I manage a music store in America and I take alot of slack for Oasis being godlike to me. All I hear is they're ripoffs and can't even write a song without stealing guitar jams from others. They say that, without ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hearing everything in my rather large Oasis collection. Like songs from " Sad ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^我真是深有同感-_-~ Song ", " See The Sun " , " One Way Road " etc. So I started to do something new which I now have been getting a real kick out of. When I play a song now by Oasis. I tell people it's a different band. Or some new band. I let them hear alot of songs that are unfamiliar Oasis to them. Then after I'm done playing them and complimenting this new band, I usually hear " Wow, that music is awesome. Who is that band again. That's a great song. " Then I break the news to them that it's Oasis. They usually get pretty tongue tied because a band that they like to call untalented and lame, now is a great band who's music rocks. I love playing that joke on people. Just when they hear a song is by Oasis, it automatically sucks. I have now turned on atleast 100 people to Oasis. I just love to prove to people that they have no clue what they're talking about when it comes to Oasis. Oasis are top and I'd like to see anyone tell me otherwise cause I'll set there asses up to fool them too !!!!!!!!! Thanks.....Sue -- "When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong." --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: