精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
From: "Brian Cannon" <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Official Oasis Mag as featured at www.madfer.it Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 13:25:56 +0100 The mags are 15 US dollars each including shipping to Taiwan, I have a limited edition book of my work from 1990 to 1998 there were only 1,500 copies made and each are individually numbered, it is a fantastic volume and I have 73 left They cost including shipping 75 US dollars please reply with your requirements, and yes the address you have is correct Regards Brian ------- 所以想要購買的板友每個人要付 15 USD = 約台幣 530 元 (x 35.4 by花旗銀行) 確定要買的人請再寫一次信給我確認,我會和你們商量寄錢和交貨的細節 另外 smileangel 的問題(還有我也很想買) Brian 說他的確有本限量發行 1500 本的作品集(1990 to 1998) 現在他手上尚存 73 本,而且每本都是有編號的 如果要運到台灣的話總價要 75 USD = 約台幣 2655 元 ㄟ我很想買可是實在有點貴>_<~... smileangel 你考慮一下趕緊告訴我吧 所有確認的動作最晚在明天傍晚五點之前 我就要和 Brian 下訂單了 請大伙動作快一點囉 Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- I don’t wanna hurt you I just wanna see what’s in you hand --Better Man, Oasis -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (10/01 10:30)
smileangel:** 阿 那作品集真的好貴呀......... 推 10/01