精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.hfpa.org/nominations2004.html 引起我注意的部分有: Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama Cate Blanchett / Veronica Guerin Nicole Kidman / Cold Mountain Scarlett Johansson / Girl with a Pearl Earring Charlize Theron / Monster Uma Thurman / Kill Bill – Vol. 1 Evan Rachel Wood / Thirteen 這個現在已經是亭亭玉立美少女的演員 http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0939697/ 早在她和凱文貝肯合演的「溫馨赤子情 Digging to China」(忘記正確中譯了)一片中 我就被她異於一般好萊塢童星的自然韻味內斂風格的演技給懾服 (可怕成熟煽情演技代表:海利喬奧斯蒙《讓愛傳出去》、妲珂達芬妮《他不笨是我爸爸》) 之後其實有在其他電影尋找過她的身影(因為我直覺她會是個了不起的演員啊) 不過都還是配童星作用的配角 現在終於她冒出頭了 很好奇這部 "Thirteen" 裡她的表現是如何:) Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy Bend It Like Beckham Kintop Pictures; Fox Searchlight Pictures Big Fish Columbia Pictures; Sony Pictures Releasing Finding Nemo Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios; Buena Vista Pictures Distribution Lost in Translation American Zoetrope/Elemental Films; Focus Features Love Actually Working Title/Dna Films; Universal Pictures/Studiocanal 這部大導演科波拉之女蘇非亞科波拉繼《The Virgin Suicides》之後的力作 http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0335266/ 是我在國外讀書的同學大力推薦今年必看的片子之一 除了片子本身很可觀之外 男主角 Bill Murray 展現了驚人的喜劇和戲劇功力和魅力 (雖然他是被提名喜劇類最佳男主角,可是我一直覺得 Murray 的戲劇詮釋力超讚 見《剃刀邊緣 The Razor's Edge》) Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy Jack Black / School of Rock Johnny Depp / Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Bill Murray / Lost in Translation Jack Nicholson / Something’s Gotta Give Billy Bob Thornton / Bad Santa 我希望不是 Murray 得獎就是 Johnny 得獎:D Best Foreign Language Film The Barbarian Invasions (Canada) Cinemaginaire Inc./Pyramide Prods.; Miramax Films Good Bye, Lenin (Germany) X Filme Creative Pool/Sony Classics Monsieur Ibrahim (France) Arp Prods./France 3 Cinema/Canal +; Sony Pictures Classics Osama (Afghanistan) Barmak Films; United Artists/Mgm Distribution Co. The Return (Russia) Renfilm; Intercinema Art Agency 前兩片都在這屆金馬影展可以看到,《再見列寧》還上了戲院(《野蠻》應該也要啊) 後三部都沒聽過看過 "Osama" 不會是在講賓拉登的故事吧:P Best Director - Motion Picture Sofia Coppola / Lost in Translation (很期待這一片希望台灣會上啦) Clint Eastwood / Mystic River Peter Jackson / The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Anthony Minghella / Cold Mountain (繼《英倫情人》和《天才雷普利》後的新作) Peter Weir / Master And Commander: The Far Side of the World 呵我希望克林伊斯威特拿耶:D Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Let's pick it up, let's even try to live today, so why not smile don't dream away your life 'cause it is mine Is that a crime? This life is mine... --Verve, HISTORY -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kane316:"冷山"裡頭有Jack White喔~~:) 推 12/19
MeigeJones:海立橋奧斯蒙啊!讓人又愛又怕!!! 推 12/19
armageddon:lost in translation應該二月會上啦 推 12/22