精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Topic: Planet 'Oasis' 綠洲星球 Keeper of the Destiny Big Mouth 他回覆我的請求把他的文章翻譯成中文po到我們板: Benson and Hedges you have my blessing to post this on your site. Rock on my friend. Writing to you from my apartment in Columbia, Oasis overlooking Lake Acquiesce. 這位mate實在太有創意了(他從位於綠洲星球上的首都Columbia的公寓寫信給我呢, 他的公寓看得到〝Acquiesce湖〞哦) 草創了"綠洲星球"的藍圖 我們回po的人也陸續讓自己的綠洲奇想豐富這個星球 構築了一個屬於所有綠洲迷的Oasis… Apparently NASA have discovered a new planet in another Galaxy called 'OASIS'. Here the people are all at peace , greet each other with the words 'Live Forever' and a 'V' sign salute, no wars exist, and everyone is equal. People listen religiously to the music of the utterly brilliant Earthly rock band Oasis. A giant face can be seen on the face of the planet in the shape of Noel Gallagher's head. His disciples all visit the statue daily to pay their respects. Uttering the words 'MTV' and 'Robbie Williams' can lead to the inhabitants becoming extremely pissed off and even lead to your jailing. No death is allowed on this planet and prisoners are forced to sit through back to back 'Backstreet Boys' concerts until they submit or go insane. 顯然美國太空總署已於近日在另一個星系發現了一個嶄新的星球──〝綠洲〞。 在那裡人們愛好和平,見面時總是高喊"Live Forever",並且用V手勢來向彼此打招呼。 那裡沒有戰爭,人人生而平等。近乎宗教崇拜似的聆聽來自地球數一數二搖滾樂團Oasis 的音樂,是居民生活的重心。一眼望去綠洲星球的表面,可以清楚的看到 Noel Gallagher這位精神領袖巨大的頭像。那兒的居民,也就是他的跟隨者, 每天照慣例會去頭像前瞻仰致敬。不知情的訪客來到這裡如果隨口說出〝MTV〞或 〝Robbie Williams〞等字眼將導致居民群情激憤,甚至還可能會被判入獄。 雖然綠洲星球的法律並沒有「死刑」這一條,但罪犯將會被強迫帶至 〝新好男孩〞演唱會現場,銬成一排坐著,聽到嘔吐或發瘋為止。 Please watch this space for further updates on this exciting new discovery: This is certainly NASA's greatest discovery. 請隨時鎖定本板,留意關於這個令人興奮的發現最新的後續報導。 綠洲星球絕對是美國太空總暑本世紀以來最偉大的發現。 Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- "Who the fook is Andy Bell?" --Noel Gallagher. Familiar to Millions -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: