精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Don't Look Back In Anger 別回頭怒視 Slip inside the eye of your mind Don't you know you might find A better place to play 溜進想像的腦海 你也許會找到 一個更能夠恣意遊玩的地方 You said that you'd once never been All the things that you've seen Will slowly fade away 你說你從來沒去過 但即使到目前所能見的 都已經慢慢開始消逝褪色 So I'll start the revolution from my bed Cos you said the brains I had went to my head Step outside the summertime's in bloom Stand up beside the fireplace Take that look from off your face You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out 所以我們從床鋪開始改造革命 因為你說我的腦袋應該要歸位 在夏日走出戶外被花團簇擁 從火爐旁站起來 卸下你的面具防備 反正你永遠無法 將我的心燃燒殆盡 So Sally can wait She knows its too late as we're walking on by Her soul slides away But don't look back in anger I hear you say 所以莎莉可以繼續等待 她知道已經太遲 就在我們走過的那一瞬間 她的靈魂遠走高飛 但別回頭怒視 我聽見你說的了 Take me to the place where you go Where nobody knows if it's night or day 帶我一起走 到一個沒有人知道的所在 無論白天或黑夜 Please don't put your life in the hands Of a Rock n Roll band Who'll throw it all away 請不要把你的生活 交託在一個搖滾樂團手上 因為他們終究會不顧一切 So I'll start the revolution from my bed Cos you said the brains I had went to my head Step outside the summertime's in bloom Stand up beside the fireplace Take that look from off your face You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as we're walking on by My soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I hear you say 所以莎莉可以繼續等待 她知道已經太遲 就在我們走過的那一瞬間 我的靈魂遠走高飛 但別回頭怒視 我聽見你說的了 Don't look back in anger Don't look back in anger Don't look back in anger At least not today 別回頭怒視 別回頭怒視 別回頭怒視 至少別在今天... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 其實並不清楚這首歌究竟在唱些什麼 只知道每次聽 就進去了 想像的腦海 一個能夠更恣意遊玩的地方 怎麼辦呢? 每次聽到「不要把你的生活交託在搖滾樂團手上」 都會苦笑 太遲了... 靈魂遠走高飛 靈魂歌唱著 我要想像 我要飛翔 我要發光 我想哭泣 我想微笑 我想閉著眼睛在原地旋轉 於是我繼續等待 無論白天或黑夜 希望 被帶到一個沒有人知道的地方 或許是沙漠 或許是綠洲 Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong. --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (03/03 22:02)
OA515:Who is Sally? I want to know~ 推 03/03
PatsyGallagh:I have no idea either... 推 03/04
OA515:o... 推 03/04
Daphney:請問可以借轉到個人板嗎?我是潛水的板友:) 推140.114.227.193 03/05