精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Rock 'n' Roll Star 搖滾巨星 I live my life in the city 生活在城市裡 There's no easy way out 卻找不到出口 The day's moving just too fast for me 日子對我來說過得太匆匆 I need some time in the sunshine 需要時間沐浴在陽光下 I've gotta slow it right down 必需要放慢腳步 The day's moving just too fast for me 日子對我來說過得太匆匆 I live my life for the stars still shine 我和閃耀的星辰一起渡過每一天 People say it's just a waste of time 人們說那只是在浪費時間 Then they said I should feed my head 然後他們又說我應該餵養腦袋 That to me was just a day in bed 但對我來說那只需在床上躺個一天 I'll take my car and drive real far 我就要帶著愛車開得老遠 Not concerned about the way we are 毫不在乎到底開往那邊 In my mind my dreams are real 在我腦海裡夢想是真實的 Now you're concerned about the way I feel 哦你現在開始在乎我的感受哼 Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star 因為就在今夜 Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star 我是搖滾巨星 I live my life in the city There's no easy way out The day's moving just too fast for me I need some time in the sunshine I've gotta slow it right down The day's moving just too fast for me I live my life for the stars still shine People say it's just a waste of time When they said I should feed my head Well, that to me was just a day in bed I'll take my car and drive real far Not concerned about the way we are In my mind my dreams are real Now you're concerned about the way I feel Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star You're not down and you are young 你既不失意又那樣地年輕 Look at you now, you're all in my hands 看看你現在已經在我手裡 Tonight 一起整夜搖擺... Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star It's just rock 'n' roll 就是搖滾樂嘛... It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll 這首第一張專輯的第一首歌 是如何巧妙而完美地"輝映"Oasis降臨搖滾樂界的抱負和志氣就毋須多談了 雷聲鼓聲轟轟的氛圍加上我行我素調調的歌詞 一種不證自明,理所當然的搖滾巨星態度就呼之欲出了 永遠忘不了在來來百貨前面 那樣喧囂的城市街頭第一次和這首歌相遇的景況 彷彿世界真的在旋轉 而我就是那個被他們捧在手心一起搖擺 有著搖滾血液的城市人... 那種全身昏眩的顫動 那樣解放似的狂妄笑容 那種突然和外界隔絕的快感 是綠洲啊... 在歌詞裡讓我驚豔的是Noel對城市生活的註解 因為他從小是住在鄉下的 但也或許因為如此 所以對驟變的城市生活(開始組團錄音,到各城市巡迴暖場等等的經歷)特別有感觸吧 第二段對自我生活的"辯解" 竟多少已經符合搖滾明星的生活模式(真可怕~) 可見嚮往的程度一班 最喜歡的歌詞是I'll take my car and drive real far Not concerned about the way we are In my mind my dreams are real... 那種無拘無束,任由自然或本性牽引的感覺真是很棒很棒... Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- "When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong." --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: