精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.the-masterplan.com/tmp/content/news/latestnews.asp 第 2 則消息 這期的 Mojo 雜誌上 除了 Liam 對於新專輯的觀感之外 還有一個部分是請 Noel, Liam 和 Gem 談談自己的偶像 有人又在黑白亂講了咧;) ...In the same issue of Mojo, Noel, Liam and Gem tell us who their heroes are. -Noel: @ Neil Young- "still going, still got his voice, enthusiasm and looks like he means it." 「仍然活躍著,歌聲和熱情仍然寶刀未老,看起來他是認真的哦」 @ John Lennon - "wife beater, wanker, heroin addict, bullshitter, any bandwagon he'd jump on it.(...) (故意都醜化哦嘿嘿;) @ Paul McCartney is a musical hero but not my kind of star, this is not to diss him coz if it wasn't for him i wouldnt be there, there was professionalism in him, whereas Lennon was like 'plug a fuckin guitar and i'll make it howl'..". (Noel 說 Paul McCartney 對他而言比較像是音樂的英雄而非心目中的搖滾明星, 這麼說並不是貶低 McCartney ,因為沒有他 Noel 或許就不會有今日成就的動力, 和“專業”的 McCartney 比起來,John Lennon 就顯得亂隨性有魅力了... ) He also mentionned Paul Weller, Bono (not a poser) and Iggy Pop. 此外他還提到了 Paul Weller, Bono 和 Iggy Pop 哦! -Liam: "It's got to be John Lennon, his voice, his songwriting was mega, he was the coolest nerd. Across the universe was the first song that i did, after that i went to buy a Beatles album, and remember coming back home and started to sing along with it. it's his voice and sense of humour that i admire, not too found with all the politics. Lennon was the one that made me wanna be a singer. Before i'd be busy playing football not worrying penning a great song". 「絕對是 John Lennon,無論他的歌聲或他的創作都是超極棒的,他是個最酷的傢伙。 Across the Universe 是我第一首迷上的歌,之後就跑去買了張披頭的專輯,還記得 回家放的時候就忍不住開始跟著哼了。是他的歌聲和幽默感令我崇拜,我倒對他的 政治理念沒啥興趣。Lennon 是讓我想成為主唱的人,在那之前我只是個愛踢足球 的毛頭小子,並不在乎生活中是不是有好歌。」 -Gem @ Lennon: "artistic, intelligent, ground breaking, cool, stupid, knew the power of music and mates." 「藝術的、聰明的、突破的、酷的、愚蠢的、深知音樂和好伴侶的力量。」 @ Bonehead: "fuck me, i'd still be in heavy stereo if it wasn't for Bonehead, so stick Bonehead on there and tell him i owe him a drink". 「幹!如果不是 Bonehead 離團我現在大概還待在 Heavy Stereo 吧, 所以轉告他我欠他一杯。」 Thanx to Supersonic 'lennon freak' Matt for scanning me the pages so i was able to write that down. the magazine Cost him ?.60...and he want a pay back lol :p ;) Source: tmp and mojo Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- 嗌句老 X 土 望阿伯你收到 --男人40無得撈,黃秋生 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: