精華區beta Old-Games 關於我們 聯絡資訊
PC | English | Pyro Studios | 1998 | Genre: Real-Time Strategy Commandos is a real-time tactics game set in World War II that puts you in command of a small squad of elite troopers. Send them behind enemy lines on a series of hazardous missions, and bring them back alive. Clever strategy has never been so furiously action-packed. Minimum System Requirements: System: Pentium-133 or equivalent RAM: 16 MB Hard Drive Space: 100 MB hotfile.com/dl/26643536/aa7c5fe/Behind_Enemy_Lines.rar.html -- Rule number 1 - no names Rule number 2 - don’t change the original plan Rule number 3 - don’t open the package -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
biblecross:低調推 02/03 15:15
HydraKingdom:跟另外一篇放的是同一個遊戲@ @" 02/03 16:48
ghostlywolf:這是原版片,上一個是資料片,一樣難道爆炸就是了... 02/03 20:50
kyhkyh:可是內容一樣啊 02/04 10:32
HydraKingdom:都是資料片的遊戲 不是主程式的阿- - 02/04 13:40