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I am interviewing for couple jobs in the Bay Area right now. The only question I have is tax. How much will I get pay after tax deduction? For example, now I have -State Tax -Federal Tax -Medicare -CA SDI -Social Security After all those, I only receive 68% of my wage. If I make 70K for my new job, how much money will I have after deduction? Still 68% or even less? Thank you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參(ptt3.cc) ◆ From:
yohowo:sc姐換工作了? 08/07 12:21
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: cchris (engineer & travel agent) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: Re: [北美] tax question 時間: Tue Aug 7 09:16:04 2007 ※ 引述《[email protected] (your heart desires)》之銘言: : I am interviewing for couple jobs in the Bay Area right now. : The only question I have is tax. : How much will I get pay after tax deduction? : For example, now I have : -State Tax 累進稅率, 每年的tax rate bracket不盡相同 實扣多少由你設定的exemption number決定 : -Federal Tax 累進稅率, 每年的tax rate bracket不盡相同 實扣多少由你設定的exemption number決定 : -Medicare 1.45% : -CA SDI 0.6% : -Social Security 6.2% : After all those, I only receive 68% of my wage. If I make 70K for my : new job, how much money will I have after deduction? Still 68% or even : less? 沒有標準答案 如果你有房貸、配偶、小孩,你會有很多抵稅額,所以就可以讓公司預扣很少 你就會拿到比較大張的paycheck 如果你很保守,也沒有什麼好用的抵稅額,就填很小的exemption number 那麼實領的金額,就大概是你經驗的那個範圍 當然薪水越高,有一部份可能跳入下一個級距,該部份會有較高的稅率 平分在每張薪水裡,每張就會被多扣一點點,但除非你薪水比以前高非常多 否則差異有限 : Thank you. -- 我的旅遊部落格: http://chengyun-travel.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: clarkchang (丁大丙) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: Re: [北美] tax question 時間: Tue Aug 7 12:05:40 2007 ※ 引述《cchris (engineer & travel agent)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《[email protected] (your heart desires)》之銘言: : : For example, now I have : : -State Tax : 累進稅率, 每年的tax rate bracket不盡相同 : 實扣多少由你設定的exemption number決定 如果您是單身漢,沒有任何房貸、配偶 七萬的收入州稅扣的是 126+346+693+1101=2267(用我就的試算表大概算一下,不是100%準確) 你會被扣到65K的6%那一層級 : : -Federal Tax : 累進稅率, 每年的tax rate bracket不盡相同 : 實扣多少由你設定的exemption number決定 同樣的 七萬的聯邦稅 755+3465+8187=12408(大概算) 你會被扣到25%的那一級 : : -Medicare : 1.45% 70K*(1.45%+0.6%+6.2%)=5775 所以你要繳的稅大概是 2267+12408+5775=20450 大約是薪水的29% : : -CA SDI 所以呢,如同cchris大大講的,趕快去弄一些貸款、生個小孩、取個老婆 都可以少繳一點稅 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: miluco (I'm feeling lucky) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: Re: [北美] tax question 時間: Tue Aug 7 13:45:50 2007 其實很多報稅網站都有試算的tool 舉例來說 http://www.hrblock.com/taxes/tax_calculators/index.html 把你自己一些條件輸進去,就可以算出大概需要繳的稅為多少 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 發信人: [email protected] (your heart desires), 看板: Oversea_Job 標 題: Re: [北美] tax question 發信站: 批踢踢參 (Wed Aug 8 09:03:26 2007) 轉信站: ptt!Group.NCTU!grouppost!Group.NCTU!ptt3 ※ 引述《[email protected] (丁大丙)》之銘言: : 所以呢,如同cchris大大講的,趕快去弄一些貸款、生個小孩、取個老婆 : 都可以少繳一點稅 I have none of those can be deductable. That's why I pay so much to the US government. Anyway, thank you all for the valuable information. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參(ptt3.cc) ◆ From: