精華區beta Oversea_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如果有綠卡或現在有opt的可以試試看intel 我8/25號投,9/2就收到phone interview的e-mail Job Title: Product Development Engineer Requisition #: 559287 Start Date: Immediate 這是預定明天phone interview,但今天發給我的拒絕信 I did not see any mention in your resume; however, the pre-screening information showed you to be a F1 visa eligible for OPT later this year.但我明年五月才畢業 We are capped and cannot sponsor any non-immigrant visas at this time. I will cancel our 11am phone conference tomorrow 所以表示我現在找正職通常是沒有用的,公司不會理你? 五月畢業通常哪時候開始投resume比較好? 感謝回答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
clarkchang:阿他都著名start date=immediate,就不是給NCG 09/10 14:36
clarkchang:像你這種應屆畢業生。Intel有另外職缺給NCG,多找找 09/10 14:37
wtbc:怪怪...我的解讀是他們不給非移民簽...不管你是哪時候畢業 09/10 22:49
clarkchang:這個也是原因之一(capped),不過有phone interview 09/11 00:07
clarkchang:表示你的履歷應該很漂亮,繼續加油! 09/11 00:07
a000tt:感謝回答 09/11 13:49
a000tt:其實我覺得我履歷還好,gpa比3.5高一點,數位跟類比的課 09/11 13:55
a000tt:修5門,大學是物理系,但我是每天在投,我覺得是常投有差 09/11 13:56
sophie:It depends on the group and manager. Keep trying! 09/11 15:15