精華區beta PLT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.meetup.com/Functional-Thursday/events/230221230/ 時間: 2016.5.5(四) 19:30 地點: Mozilla Space 這次 Karen Sargsyan 要為我們介紹一個叫作 Ur/Web 的網站開發語言. 它的特色是 functional, pure, static typed, strict~ 整合前端後端與資料庫的功能,並且寫出來的網站 "never go wrong": 一定不會有 code injection, 不會有寫錯的 html, 不會有對錯的參數名稱.. 等等. Karen Sargsyan 將根據他實務上使用 Ur/Web 開發專案的經驗介紹給我們~~~ PS. 本次是以英文介紹~ I would like to introduce Ur/Web. I will talk about Ur and it's type system, then switch to Ur/Web. I'm going to present how to apply Ur/Web for web development and how it makes things safer. I don't want to make hands-on session, but instead want to show how to make a simple web site that reads data from database, does simple processing of it, and presents to user. This demonstration should be easy to follow and self-explanatory. Both web client and server side will be done in Ur/Web. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PLT/M.1461829098.A.59E.html