精華區beta PathofExile 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Version 1.0.2 Notes: This patch contains substantial balance changes to Damage Over Time calculations. If problems are found, we'll follow up rapidly with hotfixes. Please be very careful when playing in the Hardcore or Nemesis leagues after patches of this size. Major Content/Features: Added a new intelligence skill - Storm Call: Sets a marker at a location. After a short duration, lightning strikes the marker, dealing damage around it. When this happens, it will also set off the lightning at any other markers you've cast. Storm Call is available to the Shadow, Witch and Templar from the "Breaking some Eggs" quest in Normal Difficulty. Added four new Unique items, three of which were designed by supporters. Added six new cosmetic microtransactions: Seraph Spectral Throw Effect, Lightning Bat Pet, Orange Portal Effect, Exile's Essentials Back Attachment and two Thanksgiving limited-time items: Pilgrim Hat and Ornate Pilgrim Hat. Added two new achievements: Elemental Aegis and Dream Within a Dream. One new vendor recipe has been added. End-game Maps have been increased in size. Map mods that affect size have been removed. More details are provided in the balance section below. Minor Content/Features: You can now report whisper messages by right clicking on them. Our system for rendering effects on game objects has been improved. Multiple effects on the same object can now co-exist without looking bad. Several skills have had their effects updated to remove additional lights. This should result in fewer performance issues and frame rate drops when these skills are used. A button to view the Path of Exile Credits has been added to the login screen. It doesn't play the awesome music, though. Some skills now display average damage per skill use instead of DPS, as DPS would not make sense for them. Hailrake now has a couple of new effects. Added new visual effects to several unique items: Redbeak, Heartbreaker, Soul Taker, Nycta's Lantern, The Supreme Truth, alternate art Reaper's Pursuit and The Blood Reaper. The Scion is now enabled on your account after killing Dominus, even if she has not been rescued from her cage. Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments. End-game Map Balance: All maps have been increased in size. All maps will be similar to or larger than they would be if they previously had the Larger or Branchy map mods. Removed "Massive" and "Labyrinthine" mods from maps. Existing maps with these mods will grant 20% quantity, but will not change the size of the map. This quantity won't show on the map, but will appear on the world area once it is made. The following mods have been added: "of Lightning" (causes shocked ground), "Hexproof" (monsters are immune to curses), "Feral", "Demonic", "Bipedal" (these replace monsters with a specific type). The "Villainous" mod has been removed. The "Capricious" mod now grants more quantity and larger pack sizes. The map mod "of Ice" now grants more quantity. "of Flames" grants less quantity. Insect map packs have had their composition changed. Added Vaal Fallen and Serpentine Constructs as the signature monsters for the Maze Map. Removed Devourers as the signature monster in the Labyrinth Map. Added additional large skeleton packs to the signature monsters for the Museum Map. Added additional Vaal Construct packs to the signature monsters for the Vaal Pyramid Map. The "of the Warlord" mod has been removed (Warlord's Mark Curse). The additional quantity granted by the "of Hemomancy" mod has been increased to 25 from 15. The "Fleet" mod has been increased from 20-25 attack speed, cast speed and movement speed to 25-35 attack speed, cast speed and movement speed. Damage Over Time Balance: Previously, modifiers to damage dealt applied only to damage on hits unless they specifically said otherwise (for example, Increased Burning Damage). Generic modifiers to damage dealt will now apply to damage over time that your character causes. Damage over time is not spell damage, nor attack damage, so modifiers specific to those types will not apply. Non-specific "increased damage" modifiers will apply to damage over time. Type-specific modifiers will apply as well. For example, "increased fire damage" modifiers will apply to fire damage over time. Modifiers based on how the damage is dealt will apply as appropriate - for example, increased area damage and increased projectile damage will both apply to the poison clouds from Poison Arrow, as it fills an area and is an effect of a projectile. Viper Strike can be supported by Melee Splash, now that the damage penalty also applies. Damage conversion does not apply to damage over time. The changes in this patch apply to most damage over time in the game (i.e. both players and monsters). One exception is that damage increases will not apply to damage over time that you cause on yourself. For example, having 100% increased damage won't make the chaos damage over time from Blood Rage more powerful. Note: This is a functional change to Righteous Fire. Previously this skill did increase the burning damage on you by your increased burning damage modifiers. Increased burning damage will still affect the burning on enemies. Magic, Rare and Unique monsters have a damage bonus built into their rarity - this will now also apply to any damage over time they cause. On hit effects do not apply to damage over time. The Ignite status ailment now deals only 20% of the original hit per second for 4 seconds. This has been reduced as it can be increased in more ways with the damage over time changes. Several skills have had their scaling adjusted. As these skills now have many more things that can scale them up, their built-in progression has been reduced. They are potentially more powerful if you specialise in them. General Balance: Cast When Stunned now has a 250ms cooldown. On the passive tree, the Deadly Draw and Heavy Draw bow group has been changed. It now only has one entry and has been made symmetric. The Heavy Draw arm offers life, while Deadly Draw offers more consistent critical bonuses. General Gravicius' Molten Shell now has a 30 second cooldown in all difficulties. The Devourer's Emerge skill has had its damage reduced. The priorities of several vendor recipes have been reordered. Recipes with multiple components should now take priority over recipes with one component. Some higher value recipes have been moved up in priority relative to others. The Endless Ledge now increments one monster level per area after monster level 30, until monster level 60. Areas repeat at level 60s. Only after 100 total Endless Ledge levels do you wrap back to the first area. Bug Fixes: The hybrid flask recipe now correctly gives rarity and itemlevel based on the component flasks and no longer provides quality. This is now consistent with other recipes. Fixed a bug where initiating a trade with your stash open would cause the trade to cancel. Fixed a bug where right clicking could close the stash panel. Fixed a bug in the character selection screen where pressing escape with the options panel open would log out instead of closing the options panel. Fixed bugs related to Dominus' charge attack. Fixing a bug where flask-use sounds wouldn't play if you had reduced flask charges used. Fixed a bug where shield crabs did not drop items in certain situations. Fixed a bug where monster outlines disappeared when monsters were on low life. Fixed a bug involving spectres and trigger supports. Fixed a bug where Lightning Warp cast at the caster's feet would always default to casting in the same direction. Fixed a bug where some Nemesis mods with casted effects would not work if the monster was hidden. Fixed Cast on Death preventing curse application on hit, which is not a triggered cast. 網址 : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/659400 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ckgegg:新配方會是洗白洞嗎? 11/29 13:39
tony820708:剛看完來PTT就發現有人貼了XDDD 11/29 13:41
bnn:Devourer 總算nerf...不夠啊 11/29 13:41
tony820708:gravicius的molten shell真的很難搞 現在好多了XD 11/29 13:42
ckgegg:Devourer那張圖我都不打 喝火抗水還是很抖 -.- 11/29 13:42
tony820708:CwS這樣會被打死嗎? 好像還好 但是有點影響 11/29 13:42
bnn:很多泥土沼澤tileset都有機會spawn Devourer..一坨藍的跳出來 11/29 13:44
tony820708:另外map最好打的詛咒被拔掉了QQ 然後Fleet這樣又更可怕 11/29 13:44
bnn:都會被嚇到 11/29 13:44
scripter:總算可以回報一直密語的廣告了 11/29 13:45
tony820708:希望別太強不能打 23%很爽的QQ 11/29 13:45
Connec:Gravicius總算Nerf 我有時候覺得他比Piety還難打XDD 11/29 13:46
bnn:25-35大概就比Onslaught多一些又不到turbo,算是合理調整 11/29 13:46
tony820708:BM從15%改成25% 痾...... 還是不會打= =||| 11/29 13:46
ckgegg:將軍就帶兩罐火抗水 旁邊的清光在上 不然降抗+火盾爆超痛 11/29 13:47
tony820708:Bandit被移除了 Goatman增加IIQ跟pack size 11/29 13:48
tony820708:將軍拉出來打女巫不會跟 但是火盾很麻煩...... 11/29 13:48
FayeOwO:剛買到BloodReaper就有遊戲內美圖還真爽XDDD 11/29 13:50
tony820708:減傷又會痛 近戰通常很討厭他...... 不打也不行會回ES 11/29 13:50
knightzero:下午正想農的說 不知道會更新多久... 11/29 13:50
tony820708:冰地板+IIQ 火地板-IIQ 看來他們總算注意到了XDD 11/29 13:51
bnn:維修中...2Hr solo來玩Storm call witch看看 11/29 13:52
FayeOwO:將軍的火盾真的比P姐難打....... 11/29 13:53
tony820708:結果發現開的時候race已經開始了XDD 先更新先贏的概念 11/29 13:53
tony820708:待會要上課就不試了 B大試完來講個感想吧XDD 11/29 13:54
knightzero:已經可以進去玩! 11/29 13:54
ckgegg:更新好了還是維修中阿 ˊ_>ˋ 11/29 13:55
FayeOwO:正在上課,各位加油(咦 11/29 13:55
ckgegg:"have run into a small issue." ˊ_>ˋ 11/29 13:56
knightzero: 下午剛好是ping最低的時候耶 沮喪 11/29 13:57
ckgegg:樓上你也可以試試看午夜以後阿 也是很順 肝會爆就是 11/29 13:58
IAmLaguna:晚上也很順阿 常常爆ping而已 11/29 14:00
bnn:roll back...wtf 1.0.2取消XD 11/29 14:02
ckgegg:爆肝 vs 爆Ping 今晚你選哪一邊? dochi~~ 11/29 14:02
ckgegg:看來是DOT上線後發現一些很恐怖的bug? 11/29 14:02
FayeOwO:有點囧XDDD 11/29 14:03
Shinpachi:將軍比PIETY難打+ 11/29 14:10
ckgegg:現在進去是 <Error League> 屌翻 XDDDDDDD 11/29 14:11
sobiNOva:改回去了 11/29 14:13
frankexs:我覺得將軍超好打的耶...骷髏圖騰放下去他幾乎不理我 11/29 14:17
ckgegg:GGG:有bug race中斷. XDDDD 11/29 14:17
sobiNOva:這樣果園應該也會好打一點?XD 11/29 14:18
scripter:更新取消囉! 11/29 14:21
ckgegg:...............媽的reboot 我才剛開一張68map 11/29 14:21
ckgegg:還好衝尾王有打死 -.- 11/29 14:22
Butcherdon:這麼酷 11/29 14:22
IAmLaguna:這也衝太快XD 11/29 14:22
ckgegg:又要上1.0.2 這是在演狼來了嗎? 11/29 14:22
FayeOwO:好像找到問題要裝回去了 11/29 14:22
ckgegg:其實是莫名其妙走一走就到尾王 想說就打完再繞 11/29 14:23
ckgegg:結果撿完一輪回家就看到要reboot WTFFFFFFFFF 11/29 14:23
scripter:回溯後更新伺服器連不上,有人一樣嗎? 11/29 14:23
ckgegg:現在連不上 GGG又要上1.0.2 11/29 14:24
jasop:還沒上線 等一下好嗎 11/29 14:24
FayeOwO:近戰玩家表示:哪有人火盾這樣一直放一直放的啦 11/29 14:24
gogowow:一下說不裝一下又裝回去 GGG你搞得我好亂阿 冏 11/29 14:24
IAmLaguna:我剛剛有遇上 多試幾次就好了=_= 11/29 14:24
ckgegg:GGG:我又上1.0.2惹 我又roll back 1.0.1c惹 打我阿~~~ 11/29 14:25
jonny60314:patch note總算上了 11/29 14:26
frankexs:所以我現在正在下載到50%的更新是哪一版啊... 11/29 14:26
shallowpain:看來剛剛啤酒打翻了XD 11/29 14:27
scott112:強盜任務有一隻也是一直不停不朽戰吼阿 11/29 14:27
jasop:樓上這個正常吧 11/29 14:28
ckgegg:Viper Strike表示:誰叫你們都不用我 11/29 14:30
jonny60314:scion現在不用從籠子救出來,只要打敗尾王即可使用 11/29 14:31
knightzero:幸好是玩召喚 ping 500 也能穩農 只是感覺很差== 11/29 14:31
jonny60314:是很多人都忘了救是吧XDDDDDD 11/29 14:31
scripter:更新完可以上去了 11/29 14:32
ckgegg:我玩召喚會玩到想睡... 比泡麵靈還誇張 11/29 14:35
bnn:火陷阱數值nerf,但是有傷害加成後好像燒得更快了 11/29 14:36
bnn:正火圖騰不意外和之前算得差不多,但是持久力變很長 11/29 14:36
jasop:打到新傳奇啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 http://imgur.com/RwLMqaV 11/29 14:48
Connec:這也太快 11/29 14:50
jasop:不小心6s惹 11/29 14:51
louis10643:等樓上試用心得 lol 11/29 14:52
FayeOwO:這太快了啦XDDDDD. BloodReaper好帥>//////< 11/29 14:53
bnn:Exalted Orb T-shirt沒有壽衣的震撼力~ sad 11/29 14:54
bnn:自拿無限Nova法的Cosplay這下沒問題了~ 11/29 14:55
jasop:5L...等下來試用 11/29 15:04
jasop:http://imgur.com/Q7gbpOT 11/29 15:06
Shinpachi:算雙持耶 好酷 11/29 15:09
ericinttu:2把Wings of Entropy 的話, 法術格檔怎麼算? 11/29 15:11
louis10643:他是雙手武 無法拿兩把 11/29 15:12
jonny60314:他只能拿一把喔,他是雙手斧,額外判定成雙持 11/29 15:13
jasop:雙手武 可是算雙持(有格檔天賦) 主手火傷副手混傷 11/29 15:14
Connec:他是吃雙持傷害還是雙手傷害還是都吃啊 11/29 15:14
ericinttu:原來如此 害我高與一下 11/29 15:15
jonny60314:我比較想知道的是Cleave會不會判定他是雙持 11/29 15:17
vladmir:不知道有沒有限制在哪才能打到 11/29 15:18
louis10643:只要是雙持會影響的技能都會吧 11/29 15:18
ericinttu:面板有雙持的攻速加乘嗎? 11/29 15:20
ahadears:趁剛出快高價賣掉 11/29 15:24
jasop:我在68圖打的 11/29 15:26
tony820708:cleave應該會唷 之前的影片他用cleave是雙手一起揮的 11/29 15:26
tony820708:why no...... 判定雙持是好事吧= =??? 11/29 15:43
tony820708:這樣兩把武器都有傷害 只是會降一點而已阿...... 11/29 15:43
jonny60314:啊雙持Cleave會減傷40%啊 11/29 15:43
vincent0911x:更新完就在Nemesis打到exalted了030 11/29 15:45
tcpic:四個新獨特裝 還有三個不知道.. 11/29 15:54
jasop:試用影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUfFYLW0LXc 11/29 15:54
yols:話說雙重打擊傷害計算現在是不是怪怪的= ="以前可以破萬 11/29 15:57
yols:現在傷害跟FRENZY一樣.... 11/29 15:58
tony820708:你用雙手只有一次武器的傷害 但是沒減傷 11/29 15:59
tony820708:雙持有兩次武器的傷害 -40% 你覺得哪個好...... 11/29 16:00
tony820708:比較麻煩的事現在遊戲內DPS顯示似乎不準(WIKI說的) 11/29 16:01
tony820708:http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cleave 11/29 16:02
tony820708:http://i.imgur.com/5lwvqqE.png 新unique地圖 11/29 16:03
tony820708:http://i.imgur.com/UVHkaBi.jpg 新胸甲 有過度裝的fu. 11/29 16:03
Minions:http://ppt.cc/3gHR 這傳送門是通往異世界是吧? 也太大XDD 11/29 16:04
tony820708:好像有點猛阿XDDDDDDDD 11/29 16:06
louis10643:代價:900鎂... 11/29 16:06
jonny60314:太大了吧XDDDDDD 11/29 16:07
tony820708:附註: cleave是reduce 不是less 我前面說-40%不太好 11/29 16:07
jasop:這好帥 11/29 16:07
tony820708:reduce 40%用increase就可以補回來 因此大家使用cleave 11/29 16:08
tony820708:絕大部分都是用雙持 沒甚麼人用雙手 11/29 16:08
tcpic:這胸甲搭配藥水流還ok 11/29 16:10
jonny60314:了解,40%這數字太大實在沒甚麼好感 11/29 16:12
louis10643:cleave 1.0.0變成multiplicative了.... 11/29 16:18
croww:我覺得Champion的傳送門最好看,不過我沒錢買啦XD 11/29 16:25
croww:那些齒輪很有種能夠穿越時空的感覺! 11/29 16:26
bnn:cleave現在變成單持*0.7,雙持*0.6不是reduced了. 11/29 17:03
bnn:Storm call蠻吃預判落點的...不過在race清骷髏殭屍蠻好用的 11/29 17:04
bnn:對冰法一開始打不痛冰抗殭屍可以提供不錯的輔助,打王也ok 11/29 17:05
tony820708:真的變成multiplicative了QQ 不過還是強...... 11/29 17:26
tony820708:起碼race還是好用啦XDD descent Champions 11/29 17:27
bnn:新recipe: 戒鍊+渾抗水+Aug ->藍戒鍊帶下一級混抗字根 11/29 17:27
tony820708:也太快= =||| 雖然那個看起來不難試出來 11/29 17:31
tony820708:但是我還是懶的去試阿XDDDDD 11/29 17:31
FayeOwO:所以不是眾所期盼的白洞啊XDD 11/29 17:38
tony820708:搞不好早就偷偷出了只是沒人知道? 11/29 17:41
jasop:15ex出掉了 小賺一筆 11/29 18:41
vladmir:一登入發現點數又重置了 11/29 21:11
Horre:天賦重置是隨機的= =? 11/29 21:53
tony820708:他只是太久沒登入吧XDDD 11/29 21:53
ckgegg:為什麼我的沒有重置 我好想重置 Q___Q 11/29 22:14
vladmir:應該是右下角那一圈改了的關係 11/29 22:34
vladmir:然後看到推文時間才發現我點天賦想了一個半小時.. 11/29 22:35
frankexs:Orz 才規劃好怎麼配點他就改了...而且我還沒點的說= = 11/29 22:35
ahadears:花5ex買了新胸甲來試試 想說可以加38%life 還可以打洞很 11/30 09:29
ahadears:神 想不到這血加成是和被動一起算 11/30 09:30
ahadears:果然是junk unique還好又馬上脫手了 11/30 09:36
suyushan:沒有more都是這樣的不是嘛= = 11/30 11:07
tony820708:increase算法都一樣 這是more就OP了-...- 11/30 13:05