精華區beta Physics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《waaipiko (終於結束了)》之銘言: : 標題: [問題] 學會量力是一種天份嗎XD : 時間: Wed Dec 19 13:31:00 2007 : : 請問有沒有不錯的中文科普書在講量力的? : 有看過愛莉絲夢遊量子奇境 但不是很懂 : : 在下本身是材料系的 : 修的量力是物理化學課 : 修到現在總覺得一知半解... : : 還是說現在不懂 但總有一天會省悟XD 這是老師說的... : : : -- : 這是一篇歇斯底里的抱怨文?! : : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) : ◆ From: : 推 jjsakurai:Feynman曾說過,沒有人真的懂量力,說自己懂的人,大概 : → jjsakurai:是真的不懂....後面是我說的 "You ask me if an ordinary person could ever get to be able to imagine these things like I imagine them. Of course! I was an ordinary person who studied hard. There are no miracle people. It just happens they get interested in this thing and they learn all this stuff, but they're just people. There is no talent, no special ability to understand quantum mechanics, or to imagine electromagnetics fields, that comes without practice and reading and learning and study. I was not born understanding quantum mechanics- I still don't understand quantum mechanics! I was born not knowing things were made out of atoms, and not being able to visualize, therefore, whhen I saw the bottle of milk that I was sucking, that it was a dynamic bunch of balls bouncing around. I had to learn that just like anybody else. So if you take an ordinary person who is willing to devote a great deal of time and work and thinking and mathematics, then he's become a scientist!" - Richard P. Feynman, 1965 Nobel Laureate in Physics Hans Bethe, 1967 Nobel Laureate in Physics, called by Freeman Dyson as "supreme problem solver of the 20th century", once mentioned the extremely difficult problem of infinity faced by quantum electrodynamics then and solved by Feynman: "One thing I can tell you is that I tried, and failed. Many other people, at least two dozen people, tried and didn't get it. In the very early years, Heisenberg and Pauli - Perhaps the two brightest theoretical physicists of their generation, of the early 1900s - they tried, and they couldn't make it finite. So it was the extremely difficult problem on which some of the best people worked, and nont of them could do it." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ivanos 來自: (01/13 12:53)
waytin:照他的說法,肯花時間和功夫你就能懂! 01/13 14:44
waytin:不過我覺得天賦還是有差,會影響到學習的快慢 01/13 14:45
HLiNaKRbCsFr:或許學生需要的是會教的老師吧 01/13 15:01
mantour:「不需要天賦」這句話從Feynman嘴裡出來真沒說服力 01/13 15:25
motoman:我覺得量物用心學還是可以抓住架構 不過我還有很多不懂XD 01/13 19:35
Stuber:還記得克林看見悟空變身超塞亞人時說: 這已經不是地球人可 01/13 21:45
Stuber:以參加的戰鬥了。 01/13 21:46
theory:學到越深的地方,天賦越決定一切 01/13 22:57
sputtering:既然有強烈的好奇心 就不顧一切的嗑下去吧 01/15 10:40
Linderman:既然有強烈的好奇心,就不顧一切先把英文從KK音標開始學 01/15 10:54
HLiNaKRbCsFr:某人好像很喜歡釘某人 <冏" 01/15 15:37
sputtering:費曼首先不把天賦當天賦 認為只是每個人都在努力著 01/15 17:01
sputtering:我認為費曼的這種謙虛對於科學界或努力從事學術研究者 01/15 17:06
sputtering:都是一種正面的鼓舞作用 01/15 17:08
chungweitw:我覺得 Feynman 說這樣的話 不會沒有說服力. 01/16 00:03