精華區beta Preschooler 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是TYPA 建議去課前可以給小孩看的書 我們沒有買 因為我們小孩一點都不怕 他很想去上課 Popular books that can help with separation anxiety 1. The Kissing Hand, By Audrey Penn 2. Llama Llama Misses Mama, By Anna Dewdney 3. Wemberly Worried, By Kevin Henkes 4. Mommy in My Pocket, By Carol Hunt Senderak 5. I Love You All Day Long, By Francesca Rasackas 6. When I Miss You, By Cornelia Maude Spelman 7. Jack Starts School, By Micheal Wright 8. Bye-Bye Time, By Elizabeth Verdick 9. My First Day at Nursery School, By Becky Edwards 10. Friends at School, By Rochelle Bunnet 11. The Good-Bye Book, By Judith Viorst 12. Mouse's first day of SCHOOL, By Lauren Thompson -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hsinlingchu :The kissing hand是很棒很溫馨的書! 05/07 18:45
kivi :感謝分享!! 05/08 00:21
kivi :不知道有沒有推薦讓孩子獨立自己睡覺的書呢?? 05/08 00:22