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很爛的實驗品 用的是國中生就寫的出來的方法 不過還有很多問題要解決 這是一份 BBSLua 程式,可在 PTT2 上 按 L 開始執行 (若出現錯誤或無反應,請先試著重登) 若您中途想中斷程式執行,按下 Ctrl-C 即可 相關資訊請見 PTT2 BBSLua 板 --#BBSLUA -- Interface: 0.119 -- Title: Action game -- Notes: -- Author:realkillman -- Version:0.1 -- Date:20080830 -- License: MIT License FPS = 30 -- F = ma -- s = s0 + vt -- v = v0 + at -- a = F/m beGround = true beWin = false m = 0.1 s = {0, 0} v = {0, 0} maxv = 12 a = {0, 0} G = {-10, 0} F = {0, 0} f = 0 map = {} clearmap = {} WIDTH, HEIGHT = 23, 23 for i = 0, HEIGHT do map[i] = {} clearmap[i] = {} for j = 0, WIDTH do map[i][j] = 0 clearmap[i][j] = 0 end end input = 0 function SetBox(x, y, w, h) for i = y, y + h do if i > HEIGHT then break end for j = x, x + w do if j > WIDTH then break end map[i][j] = 1 end end end function Map() SetBox(0, 19, 2, 1) SetBox(5, 19, 2, 1) SetBox(9, 19, 2, 1) SetBox(13, 19, 2, 1) SetBox(20, 16, 3, 1) SetBox(0, 13, 14, 1) SetBox(5, 9, 15, 1) SetBox(0, 5, 15, 1) SetBox(5, 1, 15, 1) map[23][0] = 2 end Map() function round(a) if a < 0.5 and a > -0.5 then return 0 elseif a > 0 then return math.floor(a + 0.5) else return math.floor(a - 0.5) end end function Draw() bbs.move(0, 0) for i = HEIGHT, 0, -1 do for j = 0, WIDTH do if (map[i][j] >= 0) then bbs.outs(bbs.ANSI_COLOR(47 - map[i][j])..' '..bbs.ANSI_RESET) else bbs.outs(' ') end end bbs.print() end bbs.move(round(HEIGHT - s[1]), round(s[2])) bbs.outs("A") bbs.move(0, 40) bbs.outs(a[1]..' '..a[2]) bbs.move(1, 40) bbs.outs(v[1]..' '..v[2]) bbs.move(2, 40) bbs.outs("上下左右空白鍵") bbs.move(3, 40) bbs.outs("目標:最上面的方塊") end function Caculate() local t = 1 / FPS nexts = {0, 0} F = {F[1] + G[1], F[2] + G[2]} a = {F[1] / m, F[2] / m} temp = {round(s[1]), round(s[2])} -- 腳踏實地 if a[1] < 0 and (temp[1] <= 0 or map[temp[1] - 1][temp[2]] ~= 0) then a[1] = 0 beGround = true else beGround = false end v = {v[1] + a[1] * t, v[2] + a[2] * t} if v[2] > maxv then v[2] = maxv elseif v[2] < -maxv then v[2] = -maxv end nexts = {s[1] + v[1] * t, s[2] + v[2] * t} -- constraint temp = {round(nexts[1]), round(nexts[2])} if (temp[1] < 0 or temp[1] > HEIGHT) then --v[1] = 0 nexts[1] = s[1] end if (temp[2] < 0 or temp[2] > WIDTH) then --v[2] = 0 nexts[2] = s[2] end temp = {round(nexts[1]), round(nexts[2])} prev = {round(s[1]), round(s[2])} if (map[temp[1]][temp[2]] == 1) then if (prev[1] - temp[1] ~= 0) then v[1] = 0 end if (prev[2] - temp[2] ~= 0) then v[2] = 0 end elseif (map[temp[1]][temp[2]] == 2) then beWin = true else s = {nexts[1], nexts[2]} end -- F = {0, 0} end repeat input = nil inputlist = {} input = bbs.kball(1 / FPS) if (input) then if (input == ' ' or input == 'UP') then if (beGround) then F[1] = 100 end elseif (input == 'RIGHT') then F[2] = 400 elseif (input == 'LEFT') then F[2] = -400 end end Caculate() Draw() if (beWin) then bbs.sleep(2) input = 'q' bbs.pause("Game Over") end until (input == 'Q' or input == 'q') --#BBSLUA -- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/killman http://www.wretch.cc/album/killman -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc) ◆ From:
bbs1221617:可惡..推 08/31 00:20
looli:...上不去...推 08/31 10:14
realkillman:恩~ 我可以保證一定上的去 因為我上去過^^a推 08/31 10:37
k860326:我破關了+1推 08/31 11:29
photokao:過了 ^^a推 08/31 11:37
mTwTm:破了 您謙虛了 國中生就寫的出來方法推 08/31 13:08
realkillman:那改成高中生好了 F=ma應該是高中生比較了解^^a推 08/31 13:32
Kinra:那個縫隙比看起來還容易摔進去XDrz推 08/31 13:37
endlessdream:推推 09/02 16:24
sfwejfish:破了>"<推 09/03 15:43
bbasa:破了 >"<推 09/03 16:20
acersh:轉錄至某隱形看板 09/05 13:44
skydragon:破了xD推 09/07 01:16
youtien:好難..推 09/07 20:16
chris:耶很快就破了 好強呀推 09/08 21:16
herman602:破了推 09/11 14:15
lin214:好難....推 09/14 22:59
acersh:win推 09/28 20:22
XZXie:好好玩 XD推 10/02 12:55
upu:破了推 10/04 14:46
Ekaterine:破了XD推 12/02 22:39