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我又來翻譯外電了XD 我沒有看到中外記者會, 但是從紐約時報記者寫的看起來他們應該會後悔開了記者會…… http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/22/international/asia/22CND-TAIW.html Taiwan Opposition Raises Specter of Vote Rigging By JOSEPH KAHN and KEITH BRADSHER Published: March 22, 2004 TAIPEI, Taiwan, March 22 — Taiwan remained in political turmoil today, but the opposition Nationalist Party acknowledged that it was still searching for evidence of vote fraud or a staged assassination attempt that helped President Chen Shui-bian win re-election on Saturday. 台灣的政治騷亂今天持續進行,但是反對的國民黨聲稱他們仍在尋找有關 選舉做票或槍擊案做假的證據,他們認為這兩個事件是總統陳水扁再度贏 得星期六大選的原因。 In the hours immediately after President Chen won a second term by a razor-thin margin, the Nationalists complained bitterly about mysteries surrounding a shooting on Friday afternoon that wounded the president and might have produced a sympathy vote that decided the election. 在陳總統以些微差距贏得連任的第一時間,國民黨便悲痛地控訴星期五 下午發生的總統槍擊事件疑雲重重,並產生了足以左右選情的同情票。 But a day after Mr. Chen's administration released photos and videos of his medical treatment, the Nationalists switched today to new accusations of widespread vote rigging. "Right now, we don't have any hard evidence" that the assassination attempt was faked, said Ho Szu-yin, the Nationalists' director of international affairs, at a news conference. As of today, the Nationalists were also having trouble coming up with hard evidence of vote rigging. 但當陳水扁政府公佈了案發當時醫療照片及錄影之後一天,今天國民黨 又改口提出了選舉做票的新控訴。「現在我們還沒有任何有力的證據證 明槍擊案是假的」國民黨海外部主任何思因在記者會裡說。直到今天, 國民黨人還無法提出選舉做票的有力證據。 The uncertainty weighed heavily on Taiwan's stock market today, which sank nearly 7 percent. 這些變數重挫了今天的台灣股市,跌幅為七個百分點。 On Sunday, Taiwan's High Court ordered that all ballot boxes be sealed, and today began considering the Nationalists' demand for a recount. But even if a recount was ordered and the Nationalists won the recount, they would not necessarily win the election, said Chen Mei-ling, the chairwoman of the executive branch's committee of legal affairs. 禮拜天台灣高等法院下令查封了所有的票箱,並於今天開始考慮國民黨 的驗票要求。但就算重新驗票後國民黨贏得驗票,國民黨也無法贏得選 舉,行政院法規委員會主任委員陳美伶說。 If the initial count was wrong because of a counting error, then an entirely new election would have to be held nationwide, she said. Only if President Chen is disqualified by a court because of fraud will Lien Chan, the Nationalist presidential candidate, be declared the winner. 如果發現首次計票是錯的,那麼便必須舉行全國性的重選,她說。只有 陳總統遭法院取消資格那麼國民黨總統候選人連戰才能宣告為勝方。 Taiwanese law does not require recounts even with victory margins as narrow as President Chen's: less than a quarter of a percentage point of the vote. 台灣法律並沒有「勝出票數過小則必須驗票」的規定,此次大選陳總統 以約四分之一個百分點的票數勝出。 Adding to the sense of unease and confusion, the Defense Ministry announced late this afternoon that Defense Minister Tang Yiau-ming, 65, had submitted his resignation on Sunday. Less than two hours later, Prime Minister Yu Shyi-kun announced that Mr. Tang had withdrawn his resignation. Soon after that, however, the Defense Ministry said that Mr. Tang was resigning but would stay on until his successor was named. 在緊張與騷亂的情況下,國防部在傍晚宣佈國防部長湯曜明(65歲)已 在星期天提出辭呈。兩小時之內游揆宣布湯已接受慰留。但不久後國防 部又發表聲明說湯仍堅持請辭,但會留任到新人選出現為止。 Neither Mr. Chen nor Annette Lu, his vice president, both of whom were shot in an apparent assassination attempt on election eve, have made any public comments or appearances since their short victory speeches on Saturday night. Neither was said to have been seriously wounded, but they left it to aides and government officials to dispel the swirl of accusations about election manipulation, ballot fraud and the shooting, which took place in Mr. Chen's hometown of Tainan. 在選舉前夕的槍擊事件中一起受傷的陳水扁總統和他的副手呂秀蓮從發 表短暫勝選感言之後,便沒有公開露面或發言。兩人的傷勢並不嚴重, 但他們選擇讓幕僚及行政首長來對選舉不公及槍擊事件做假等控訴做說 明。 Today hundreds of Nationalist Party supporters blocked streets in the area of the presidential palace in damp, chilly weather, with many saying that they feared that Mr. Chen would thwart the recount process unless they kept up political pressure. 今天數以百計的國民黨支持者在寒冷的天氣下包圍了總統府周圍的街道, 許多人說如果他們沒有繼續政治施壓的話,陳(水扁)會阻撓驗票程序。 Even so, there were few firm indications that Mr. Chen or his allies had sought to manipulate the election. 即便如此,關於陳(水扁)政府做票的指控還是缺乏有力的證據。 Mr. Ho of the Nationalists provided reporters with a long list of vote-rigging accusations that included tactics like "identity theft," "mistallying," "fleecing" and "siphoning off." But he acknowledged that the party, which had its own representatives at most major polling stations across Taiwan, had uncovered little evidence that such activities had occurred. 國民黨海外部主任何思因提供了長串的作票指控,小手段例如「冒領選 票」,「票數對調」,「騙票(?)」,「虹吸式取票(???)」。但他也承 認國民黨在全台個主要投開票所的監票代表都幾乎沒有發現這些做票行 為曾經發生的證據。 The shooting may well have helped Mr. Chen — even some members of his Democratic Progressive Party are now referring to the "magic bullet" that may have awarded them another four years in power. 槍擊事件可能對陳(水扁)的選情有幫助-甚至一些民進黨員現在也表 示也許真是「神奇子彈」帶給他們另一個執政的四年。 Suspicion about the shooting has also been fed by the authorities' failure thus far to produce any suspects in the case. 當局至今無法找出嫌疑犯也是對槍擊事件的一項質疑。 Nevertheless, Mr. Chen's aides have attacked the Nationalist Party for rumor-mongering, arguing that the president would be crazy to fake an attempt on his own life. 無論如何,陳(水扁)的幕僚已反擊國民黨散佈謠言,他們認為總統要發 瘋才會拿自己生命做賭注。 "If the bullet had shifted by even an inch, it would have damaged vital organs," a spokesman for Mr. Chen, James Huang, said. "A play for sympathy would have been playing games with the president's life." 「子彈只要打偏了半吋,內臟就會受損,」陳總統發言人黃志芳表示: 「如果是苦肉計的話根本是拿總統生命開玩笑。」 Mr. Chen's medical team also released photographs of doctors cleaning and stitching a gash across Mr. Chen's lower abdomen to quell suspicions that he had not been injured at all. 陳的醫療團隊也公佈了醫生清理總統肚皮上傷口及縫針的照片,以杜絕對 總統其實並沒有受傷的質疑。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gnsgns:感謝 辛苦你了:) 推 03/23
※ 編輯: Quzzi 來自: (03/23 10:50) ※ 編輯: Quzzi 來自: (03/23 10:57)
bennetlu:這篇報導的英文原文和中文翻譯都棒極了。 推 03/23
doki:大快人心:p 推 03/23
forlove:借轉 推 03/23
※ 編輯: Quzzi 來自: (03/24 09:00)