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這是<芝加哥論壇報>在Mon Mar 22, 9:40 AM ET所發表的 這篇新聞的標題是 Loser in Taiwan `doubts' gunshot [在台灣的失敗者"質疑"槍擊事件] 外媒已用"失敗者"這個詞來指稱連戰, 再看看他們所下的這個標題, 真覺得連戰實在是不但丟自己的臉,還賠上台灣的國際形象. Having lost his bid for the presidency by just 30,000 votes, Lien Chan is certain that victory was snatched from him in the bizarre instant that his opponent, incumbent President Chen Shui-bian, was hit and slightly injured by a bullet on the day before the election. [在以將近三萬張選票輸掉他這場為了職位的爭取後, 連戰確定,됊就在他的對手,也就是現任總統陳水扁, 在選前一天受到一顆子彈輕微地傷害的那個詭異的時刻,他的勝利被偷走.] 外媒認為,連戰這個輸家不肯認輸. The 67-year-old politician with a patrician demeanor and a doctorate in political science from the University of Chicago is backed by a rabid base of supporters, about 10,000 of whom rallied noisily near the presidential palace Sunday afternoon. [這個67歲的政客,ꘊ陬蛚Q族的舉止與芝加哥大學的政治學的博士學位, 乃受到一群狂暴的支持者所擁護,댊o些將近一萬名的支持者在星期天的下午在博愛特區附近大聲地叫罵著.] 外媒以"政客"來形容連戰, 並將連戰的身家背景來與他所鼓動的群眾所表現出的行為來做一個反諷. 泛藍真是夠了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
deco:可憐可憐 推 03/23
smallin:很好很好 推 03/23
RLegg:很讚的標題 推 03/23