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第二部分 也請大家支持的話推文,不要被埋沒在文章海之中. 原文來自BBC對臺灣選舉的背景資料. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3560355.stm ===================================================================== What about KMT claims about spoiled ballots? 問題:那麼關於國民黨提出的廢票是怎麼一回事? Since Mr Chen won the election by less than 30,000 votes, the KMT has also raised questions about the relatively high number of spoiled votes, again calling the result into question. 因為陳先生不到三萬票的差距勝選,國民黨已對於相對(以往)較多的廢票 提出質疑,且再一次的宣稱選舉的結果有疑點. Election authorities declared a total of 337,000 ballots invalid, a sharp increase from the 120,000-140,000 spoiled in the past two presidential polls. 選舉的授權單位表示無效票的總數為總數為三十三萬七千,明顯的多於之前 兩次總統選舉的十二萬到十四萬票. Independent observers have not raised any concerns about the increase, and since the counting was open to scrutiny by both campaigns, it is difficult to see how anything could have been done to favour one over another. 獨立觀察家對這個增加沒有提出任何的質疑,因為計票為公開給兩個競選 組織詳察.難以看出有任機會做出何圖利於任何一邊的行為. A more likely explanation is that civic groups disillusioned with the nature and style of Taiwan politics persuaded people to spoil ballots as a protest vote. 而一個更有可能的解釋是,幾個民間團體對台灣政治的本質和型態失望,而 說服大眾投下廢票作為一種抗議. The most visible such group was the Million Invalid Ballot Alliance, which received some media coverage and called on people to reject both candidates. 能見度最高的該類團體為百萬廢票聯盟,獲得一些程度的媒體報導,鼓勵大眾 拒絕兩位候選人. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So what happens next? 問題:所以,接下來會發生什麼? Good question. There has never been this type of showdown in Taiwan's short history of democracy, so politicians and lawyers have no precedents to go on. 好問題.在臺灣短暫的民主歷史中,從來沒有這樣的緊要情況,所以政治家和律師 沒有先例可以參考. The KMT has instituted legal action against the election authorities in the hope the courts will rule the election was illegal. But under Taiwan's election law, election authorities appear to have acted correctly, since the poll should only have been suspended if Mr Chen has been killed in the shooting. 國民黨已開始法律行動反對選舉的有效性,希望法庭可以裁該決選舉為非法. 但是在臺灣的選罷法,選舉的相關單位所做的是正確定行動.選舉的暫停除非 在槍擊中陳先生遇害. The KMT also says it wants a recount of the votes as soon as possible, a demand that Mr Chen's Democratic Progressive Party has said it would be happy to go along with. 國民黨也提出該黨希望盡快重新計票,這項宣稱陳先生的民進黨已表示樂意參與. But after legislators from the two parties came to blows over the issue on Tuesday, it was not clear if their statements were genuine, or issued to make political capital. 但是在兩方立法委員於星期二討論此話題時,這項議題被停止了.無法確定 他們的宣言是真誠的或是政治手段. Much will now depend on the KMT protests being staged outside the president's office in Taipei. 不少情況將視在台北市的總統府前被安排的國民黨抗議群眾而定. These have so far been peaceful and relatively small. The government may be hoping that if it can hold on until the number of protesters begins to dwindle, the crisis can be defused without further trouble. 這些到目前為止是平靜且相對少數的.該政府可能希望在抗議群眾開始減少後, 危機可以在沒有進一步問題之下散去. The KMT, well aware of that possibility, will be looking for ways to keep Mr Chen's government on the defensive. 國民黨,相當了解這項可能,將尋找更其他方式將陳政府保持在守勢.' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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