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看看路透社怎麼報導 Thousands of Taiwan People Protest U.S. Arms Deal Sat Sep 25, 2004 06:24 AM ET By Alice Hung TAIPEI (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters marched through Taiwan's capital on Saturday, urging the government to scrap a big U.S. weapons package they said would trigger an arms race with China and squeeze social welfare. Defending the T$610.8 billion ($18.2 billion) deal, Premier Yu Shyi-kun said maintaining strong defense and a military balance with the island's arch-foe were critical to security. "If you attack me with 100 missiles, I will at least attack you with 50. If you attack Taipei and Kaohsiung, I will attack Shanghai," Yu said in a speech before the protest. "If we have such counter-strike capability today, Taiwan is safe," he said in comments broadcast on cable news networks. The weapons package is made up of $4.3 billion for Patriot Advanced -Capability 3 missile defenses, $12.3 billion for eight diesel-electric submarines and $1.6 billion for 12 P-3C Orion submarine-hunting aircraft. China has viewed self-governing Taiwan as a breakaway province since a bloody civil war in 1949 and has threatened to attack if the island declares formal independence. Many security analysts see the Taiwan Strait as the most dangerous flashpoint in Asia. Protesters disagreed with Yu's comments. "President Chen Shui-bian only likes to please the United States to protect his presidency. He wants to die, but we will not follow him," said a retired soldier, surnamed Chang. A 40-year-old housewife surnamed Lin, said: "We don't want any war, especially since both sides are Chinese." Holding banners reading "Our money, Your war," "Want peace, No war," the protesters ranging from veterans to unemployed workers and children, joined the march to the presidential palace. -- 蘇盈貴:屋頂上的朋友可以下來了! 2004.09.25愛與和平反軍購晚會 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MerinoSheep:幾千人而已 ... 09/26
※ 編輯: olenew 來自: (09/26 22:14)
lostmind:還三十萬人壘!?是指全台流浪狗嗎? 09/26
beefsteak:http://tinypic.com/2cm16a 03/26