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祈夫潤專欄第三篇 Chiang Kai-shek's Taiwan Legacy: a Dream Deferred 蔣介石留給台灣的遺產﹕一個未圓的夢 The Unspoken Reality 無言的事實 Monday July 19, by Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 七月十九日﹐祈夫潤 原文網址﹕http://zen.sandiego.edu:8080/Jerome/1090248936/index_html The past returns in mixed and varied ways. The recent Iraq war has provoked discussions on the purpose and duration of martial law. In Taiwan, the Chiang family has recently provoked discussion by requesting that Chiang Kai-shek (died 1975) and his son Chiang Ching-kuo (died 1988) be formally buried at the Wuchih Mountain Military Cemetery outside of Taipei. The Chiang's original intent had been that the two be buried in Fenghua county, Zhejiang province of China; by this request they appear to have given that hope up. 往日常循各種不同途徑重現。 最近的伊拉克戰爭引起了不少人來討論軍法(戒嚴令)的用途與施行期間的長短。 最近因蔣家要求移靈兩蔣(死於1975的蔣介石及死於1988的蔣經國) 並將其國葬於台北城外五指山國軍示範公墓一事﹐ 又在台灣引起不少人的討論。 蔣家原意要讓二蔣歸葬中國浙江省奉化縣﹔ 現在的這個要求﹐ 表示他們大概已放棄了這個願望。 Books have and can still be written on the ambitions, goals, wealth, deeds, misdeeds and impact of the two Chiangs; a perspective, however, that has too often been overlooked is Taiwan's long arduous path to democracy. Examine three countries post World War II. 有關兩蔣生平的野心企圖財富﹐及所幹過的好壞諸事及其影響力﹐ 可說至今﹐甚至在未來﹐都還會史不絕書﹔ 不過太常遭忽視的﹐卻是台灣追求民主的漫長過程。 我們現在不妨來檢視一下二戰後的三個國家。 In May 1945, Germany was a defeated country. The Allies occupied and imposed martial law upon this land of their enemies. It was a land devastated by war; a land of cities leveled by bombing, a land where industry had all but been destroyed. Famine threatened; there were trying years ahead as the country struggled to survive and build a democracy. 1945年五月﹐德國成了戰敗國。 同盟國佔據了此一敵國的領土並以軍法統治。 整個國家毀於戰禍﹔ 城市被砲彈夷平﹐ 工業也幾乎全遭摧毀。飢荒在蠢蠢欲動﹔ 國家前途茫茫異常艱困﹐不但要掙扎求生﹐還得建立民主制度。 Under martial law imposed on it by the Allies, Germany was demilitarized and denazified. The political, legal and educational systems were reformed. War criminals were prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials (1945-9). Germany split into the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). 同盟國以軍法統治﹐將德國解除武裝並令其擺脫納粹陰霾。 舉凡政治法律以及教育系統﹐ 通通都重新改革。 戰犯在1945-1949於紐倫堡大審。 德國一分為二﹐ 一個是俗稱西德的德意志聯邦共和國﹐ 另一個是俗稱東德的德意志民主共和國。 In non-communist West Germany, democratic elections were held as early as 1949 and despite the split and the Berlin Blockade progress began. In September 1949, Konrad Adenauer of the Christian Democratic Union was elected as the first chancellor. By early 1952 the occupying army that had by then taken a constabulary role was preparing for deactivation. 非共產的西德﹐縱然面對著東西德的分裂﹐而柏林也開始受困被圍 (石頭注﹐ 對柏林在戰後遭蘇聯圍城的故事有興趣的讀者﹐ 不妨看看Leon Uris 寫的[柏林孤城錄]這本書)﹐ 民主選舉還是早在1949就已開始﹐ 基督民主聯盟的阿德瑙(Konrad Adenauer) 被選為第一任總理。 等到1952年初﹐佔領軍早已轉型為維和警力並開始準備撤兵。 In less than a decade after the war, this once Nazi fascist country had returned to a functioning democracy; it joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and began an economic miracle. The Germans with their typical hard work ethic and aided by the Marshall Plan were well on their way to building a strong country. In politics, a multi-party system that even gave participation to communists and former Nazis was in effect. 戰後還不到10年﹐ 這個原先為納粹法西斯的國家已回歸到功能十足的民主體制﹔ 它加入了北約組織並開始其經濟起飛奇績。 德國人以一向著稱的勤奮苦幹﹐再得力於馬歇爾計劃﹐ 如虎添翼般重建起一個強健的國家。 在政治上採有效的多黨系統﹐甚至連共產黨及以前的納粹黨員都能參與。 In August of 1945, Japan also was a defeated country forced to surrender unconditionally. The main occupier and enforcer of martial law from the Allies was the United States. Emperor Hirohito lost his “divinity” but was kept as a symbolic figurehead. US General Douglas MacArthur had relatively absolute power. A new constitution was drafted. War criminals were prosecuted (seven men were hung); and a period of rebuilding with a multi-party political system followed. 1945年8月﹐ 日本也是個被迫無條件投降的戰敗國。 主要佔領國兼行軍法統治者乃同盟國裡的美國。 昭和天皇裕仁的“神權”被褫奪﹐ 可是仍保有國家領袖的象徵地位。 相型之下﹐美國的麥帥具有無上權威。 修了新憲法。戰犯遭審判﹐有七人受絞﹔ 同時也開始了一段多黨政治的重建時期。 In this multi-party state, the first postwar election was held on April 10, 1946 for members of the Lower House of the Diet; and the second was on April 20, 1947 again for the Lower House of the Diet. By late 1955, the country had stabilized into two major political parties of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Socialists. 在這個多黨國家﹐ 戰後首次選舉在1946年四月十日舉行﹐ 選出國會下議院議員 第二次選舉在1947年四月二十日舉行﹐還是選下議院議員。 等到1955年末﹐ 整個國家已經穩定進入兩黨政治﹐ 一個是自民黨﹐ 另一則為社會黨。 The San Francisco Peace Treaty (signed by 48 nations) went into effect on April 28, 1952. With it, martial law formally ended; but the United States by the treaty would retain bases in Japan and be responsible for the country's military protection. 由48國簽署的舊金山和約從1952年四月28日開始生效。 軍法統治因而從此正式結束﹔ 可是根據和約美國仍然可以保有在日本的軍事基地﹐ 同時必須負責對日本的軍事保護。 By the late 1950s Japan with a multi-party democracy freed of martial law was also well on its way to creating its own economic miracle. This would be carried out by the hard work of its people with some assistance from the outside. 等到1950年代末期﹐ 日本也有了多黨民主制度﹐ 不再受軍法管治﹐ 同時也開始其經濟奇績。 這都是靠其人民自己的勤奮努力再加上一些外來的協助而已。 Taiwan after World War II was treated not as a defeated country but as a Japanese colony of 50 years. It would be taken from Japan and placed in the care of Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang (KMT) but its definite status was not spelled out in the subsequent San Francisco Treaty (1952). 台灣在二戰之後沒有變成戰敗國﹐而是日本統治了50年之久的殖民地。 它脫離了日本而被交給蔣介石的國民黨統治﹐ 可是它的地位並沒有在其後(1952)的舊金山條約中定明。 Taiwan did sustain bombings during the war, but the destruction was no where near the scale as that of Germany or Japan. The true devastation of Taiwan ironically took place after the war as the occupying Kuomintang (KMT) Nationalist army under Chiang Kai-shek took almost anything that was not nailed down to sustain their losing effort on the Mainland. It was at that time that the infamous er-er-ba (228) incident took place in 1947 as the people protested their unfair treatment and exploitation. It was under the guise of quelling this protest, that many of the Taiwanese intelligentsia that had experienced the development of democratic participation under the Japanese were killed off. 台灣在大戰時期有遭轟炸﹐ 可是並沒像德日那麼受創深重。 十足諷刺的是﹐台灣真正的浩劫﹐反倒發生在戰後﹐ 來臺佔領的國民黨軍隊在蔣介石治下﹐竭盡搜刮劫掠能事﹐ 以維繫其在大陸節節敗退的戰事。 也就在當時人民因抗議國民黨的不公不義與巧取豪奪﹐ 而在1947年發生了惡名遠播的二二八事件。 國民黨以平亂為藉口﹐趁機殘殺了許多曾經日本民主洗禮過的台灣精英。 Martial law followed; in 1949 as Chiang Kai-shek's army was being defeated on the mainland they had to retreat to Taiwan. Elections would begin to be held in Taiwan in the 1950's but they would only be for bodies beneath the provincial level like county and city governments. A multi-party system was not allowed. Access to the top was denied public vote. Representatives of the top governing National Assembly (namely those in the Legislative Yuan and the Control Yuan) after having been elected on the mainland in 1947 never had to face another election until 1991. What justified this usurpation? 隨之而來的是戒嚴令﹔ 蔣介石的軍隊在1949兵潰於大陸﹐不得不敗逃來台。 從1950年代起﹐台灣開始有選舉﹐可是只限於省級階層如縣市政府而已。 多黨制度不被容許。人民無法藉由公開選舉投票晉身高層。 最高階級的國大代表(在此主要是指立法及監察兩院) 自1947在大陸選完後﹐ 一直到1991年才得以改選。 對這種無法無天攫取人民權利的作法﹐他們該如何自圓其說﹖ Taiwan achieved its own economic miracle like the Germans and the Japanese, again due to the hard work of the people and some outside assistance; but it is the area of democracy where the real scrutiny of Chiang Kai-shek and his legacy must take place. 台灣之所以能達到經濟奇績的原因﹐ 跟德國人與日本人一樣﹐ 無它﹐ 全靠人民的勤奮及一些外來援助﹔ 然而要確實針貶蔣介石及其遺產﹐ 我們一定得從民主的觀點來下手。 Why were national elections delayed in Taiwan until the 1990's when they were possible in Germany and Japan in the 1950's? Why did martial law in Taiwan have to wait until 1987 to be lifted when it had been lifted in Germany and Japan again in the 1950's? Why was a multi-party government with opposition parties able to be developed in Germany and Japan in the late 1940's, when it had to wait till the late 1980's in Taiwan? (In 1986 Taiwan's first opposition party the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was formed but even then it was still technically not legal.) 何以全國性選舉在台灣必須延遲到1990年代才辦得到﹐ 而德日早在1950年代就行﹖ 同理﹐何以台灣的戒嚴令必須等到1987才得以解除﹐ 而德日卻早在1950年代就可擺脫﹖ 為什麼包含反對黨在內的多黨政府在1940年代末期就可行之於德日﹐ 而台灣卻必須等到1980年代末期﹖ (台灣第一個反對黨 - 民進黨 - 在1986成立﹐可是即使在當時﹐在技術上仍不算合法。) Why were the so-called “re-united brothers on Taiwan” treated more brutally and with less respect than were the conquered enemies of Germany and Japan? Why was Taiwan's press controlled for over 40 years by the KMT? Why did Taiwan have to suffer over 40 years of purges and White Terror after World War II with thousands (20,000-30,000 in some estimates) of Taiwanese executed on the streets and in prison when only 12 Germans were sentenced to be hung and 7 Japanese executed for war crimes? Why did the KMT as the saying goes, ꄊ“have to kill nine Taiwanese to find one communist?” 何以這些在台灣所謂“重回祖國懷抱的兄弟“﹐ 卻遠比遭敵軍佔領的德日﹐ 受到更殘忍而不敬的待遇﹖ 何以台灣的新聞遭國民黨鉗制超過40年﹖ 何以台灣在戰後必須忍受超過40年的清算及白色恐怖﹐ 導致成千上萬台灣人(有人估計在兩萬到三萬之間)﹐ 或當街或在獄裡被處決﹐ 相形之下﹐ 卻只有12個德國人﹐以及7個日本人﹐以戰犯問絞﹖ 何以國民黨會說得出﹐ ”寧可錯殺九個台灣人﹐也不要放過一個共產黨徒“這種話﹖ Were the Taiwanese that much more vicious, more dangerous and not to be trusted with self-determination than the Nazi Germans and the militaristic Japanese? 難道台灣人跟納粹德國人與軍國主義掛帥的日本人比起來﹐ 還要來得更殘暴﹐ 更危險﹐ 不能放任他們搞什麼自決﹖ Stability is not an excuse. All three countries had relative post war stability in which to develop their economies; in Germany as the United States faced off Russia in the Cold War the threat of instability was perhaps the greatest. Japan had the security of the United States taking over its military obligations. Taiwan had the security of the US Seventh Fleet occupying the Taiwan Strait after the Korean War started in 1950. 安定不是藉口。 上述三國在戰後都享有足以發展經濟的穩定﹔ 在冷戰時期因美蘇對立的原故﹐ 德國在穩定上可能受到了最大的威脅。 日本則享有由美國負擔軍事義務而提供的保障。 台灣在1950 韓戰爆發後﹐有美國第七艦隊駐紮台灣海峽的屏障。 Chiang Kai-shek ruled with a one party state in Taiwan from 1945 to 1975 when he died; another decade would pass before martial law would be lifted and then it would only come after pressure from the outside. This is Chiang's legacy. 蔣介石自1945開始至1975死亡﹐始終以一黨專政治理台灣﹔ 要再過10年﹐面臨巨大的外來壓力﹐戒嚴法才終於被廢止。 這﹐ 才是蔣介石留下來的遺產。 Why did democracy never come under Chiang Kai-shek? The answer is simple, clear and unavoidable. The central focus of Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT was to keep one party, one privileged group and one person in power. 何以在蔣介石治下﹐ 民主始終無法實現﹖ 這個答案簡單明白無疑。 蔣介石和國民黨的中心思想無它﹐ 他們唯一要的就是把權力限於一黨﹐一群(特權人士)﹐一人。 Some western historians have praised the accomplishment of democracy in Taiwan- that the dream finally became reality. Minimally Taiwan has at least proven that Chinese culture is not antithetical to democracy. But the only true question for democracy in Taiwan is why did it come so late? 有些西方歷史學家誇讚台灣在民主上的成就﹐ 認為了不得﹐夢境終於成真。 至不濟﹐台灣也證明了中華文化與民主政治並無所對立不合之處。 其實真正該問的問題卻應該是﹐ 民主在台灣何以如此姍姍來遲﹖ The Republic of China founded in 1911 under Sun Yat-sen's guidance had three key principles, min-tsu, min-chuan and min-sheng. Min-chuan--Government by the People or people's rights; this was not intended to be rule by one party. This lesson of Chiang Kai-shek and the dictatorship of a one party state are still to be learned on the other side of the Taiwan Strait where one party controls all, facetiously “in the name of the people.” 孫逸仙領導下成立於1911的中華民國講求三民主義﹐ 民主民權民生。 民權- 政府在民或曰人民的權利﹔ 這可從來就不是用來給一黨專政用的。 可是仍然在以可笑的“人民”名義實行一黨專政的海峽對岸﹐ 卻連蔣介石及其獨夫式一黨專政的歷史教訓都還未聽說過呢。 Chiang Kai-shek's Taiwan legacy is obvious, as is the reason why so many Taiwanese can never consider this man a hero. Some KMT party members still resist localization and carry this baggage. It is time to go back and read Langston Hughes' well-known poem with its opening question, “What happens to a dream deferred?” 蔣介石留給台灣的遺產很明顯﹐ 這也是何以許多台灣人無法把他當成英雄的原因。 有些國民黨員仍然抱著這個包袱而抗拒本土化。 真該回頭重讀Langston Hughes那首名詩的開場白﹐“夢難圓時將如何﹖” 石頭注﹕ Langston Hughes原詩(A Dream Deferred 未圓之夢)如下。 很抱歉﹐石頭不是詩人﹐如此可怕無詩意的翻譯﹐有所冒犯處請原諒。 What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? 夢難圓時將如何﹖ 它會不會像太陽下的葡萄乾一樣 乾扁萎縮﹖ 還是會如未瘉傷口一般發炎潰爛 -- 然後流膿﹖ 會發臭有如爛掉的肉﹖ 還是會結痂糖化 -- 變成糖漿般的甜蜜﹖ 可能它就只會沉重下垂。 還是會炸個粉碎﹖ ---------------- 文章來源:Stone http://www.socialforce.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=227327#227327 -- 撥亂反正、清新思維,先從「與媒體對抗」開始 http://www.socialforce.org -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: