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周蟒(zhpy) 1.5 發佈了 (代號 皇帝)。 請使用 「$ easy_install -U zhpy」 命令來下載或更新周蟒版本,或前往網站查看更多關於周蟒的內容 http://code.google.com/p/zhpy/ 周蟒是一種使用中文來學習 python 程式的方言, 這版本主要是對現有功能的維護與重構版本,一般用戶應該不會察覺到改變: 1. 更新關聯的套件 2. 將 merge 跟 rev_merge 函式合併 3. 加強 zhimport.py 並改名成 import_hook.py 周蟒相關消息請至官方網站查看 http://zhpy.blogspot.com/ zhpy Changelog ==================== 1.5 (2/29/2008) -------------------- code name: Emperor *Changes* * rename zhimport.py to import_hook.py * rewrite import_hook from magiccodec, thanks weijr http://weijr-note.blogspot.com/2008/02/python-magiccodec-01.html * use isinstance(target,dict) instead of type({}), thanks weijr * refactor merger * merge rev_merger to merger * refactor ini_annotator, py_annotator, pattern, val_matching, rev_ini_annotator, rev_py_annotator, trace_annotator to private method * refactor to distill baseWord * add some variable docstrings *Features* * add keywords: * "屬性":"property", "属性":"property", * add set methods keyword: * "定集合":"frozenset", * "清除":"clear", * "複製":"copy","拷贝":"copy", * "加":"add", * "丟棄":"discard","丢弃":"discard", * "聯集":"union","联集":"union", * "交集":"intersection", * "差集":"difference", * "對稱差集":"symmetric_difference", "对称差集":"symmetric_difference", *Fixes* *Project Updates* * update to pyparsing 1.4.11 * update setuptools to 0.6.8 * update epydoc to 3.0.1 *Contributors* Fred Lin, weijr -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: