精華區beta R_Language 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在程式語言部分,我的專長在物質流估計、水文、地形、生地化作用模擬, 還有一點點資料處理(真是不敢在這裡講資料處理)。 研究室要我介紹 R 有什麼用處、誰應該學 R (終於要收徒弟了) 就列出一些我有在用的 package 吧, 今天一清點,刪掉的 pkg 也蠻多的。 主題有幾個 > Probability Distribution > Time Series Analysis > Spatial Analysis - vector > Spatial Analysis - raster > Optimization > Numerical model 就開始吧。 > Probability Distribution actuar Actuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions base The R Base Package: include the mountaion and include the sea. > Time Series Analysis TSA Time Series Analysis timsac Time Series Analysis and Control Package wavelets A package of functions for computing wavelet filters, wavelet transforms and multiresolution analyses > Spatial Analysis - vector Sp Classes and Methods for Spatial Data Maptools Tools for Reading and Handling Spatial Objects shapefiles Read and Write ESRI Shapefiles Splance Spatial and Space-Time Point Pattern Analysis rgdal Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library > Spatial Analysis - raster RPyGeo ArcGIS Geoprocessing in R via Python Raster Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling RSAGA SAGA Geoprocessing and Terrain Analysis in R Fields Tools for Spatial Data > Hydrology model in R topmodel Implementation of the hydrological model TOPMODEL in R TUWmodel Lumped Hydrological Model for Education Purposes Ecohydrology A community modeling foundation for Eco-Hydrology Evapotranspiration Modelling Actual, Potential and Reference Crop Evapotranspiration hydrogeo Groundwater Data Presentation and Interpretation hydroTSM Time series management, analysis and interpolation for hydrological modelling > Optimization DEoptim Global Optimization by Differential Evolution hydroGOF Goodness-of-fit functions for comparison of simulated and observed hydrological time series mcmc Markov Chain Monte Carlo FME A Flexible Modelling Environment for Inverse Modelling, Sensitivity, Identifiability and Monte Carlo Analysis > Numerical model, Differential equation deSolve Solvers for Initial Value Problems of Differential Equations (ODE, DAE, DDE) 就這樣,去做ppt了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/R_Language/M.1478609520.A.272.html
andrew43: 好的,馬上收精華區 11/08 21:01