精華區beta Realityshow 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《TVpotato (影集馬鈴薯)》之銘言: : Rodney的四人小聯盟(Rodney + Carolyn + Will + Kelly) 又是被秒摧毀 : 這段剪出來不知道要幹嘛 難道會影響走向? This part told us a little insider about BC : Rodney doesn't trust Mike(especially since last tribel),and he always want to has his own inner circle which he can really be bonded with . He want to call the game ,and as this point, he is insecured,he knows he is the bottom of BC,so this is why he find Will and Carolyn to be with him, well he never know Mike and Kelly are in an alliance. : Annoying Dan可能會是拖到最後的羔羊,這集去游泳被水母咬, : 海上閱歷豐富的Jenn建議要泡熱水,結果不領情,Shirin還問說要不要阿摩尼亞消毒XD : (S4 Kathy上身) : 還有Shirin跟無領的微妙關係、白領游離票的走向、Mama C的神像, : 都是接下來的觀戰重點。 : 此外,就沒有人發現Mike其實是個大威脅嗎? Sorry folks I can't type chinese here, so have to use my poor English @@ I Think Jenn is smart, she figured out that she is in danger, and probably She figured out that Kelly is with Mike, Kelly is a glue, or an agent,a lubricant of BC ,becasue of her, Corolyn go with BC and as well as Tyler. She is good in social, she get along well with both BC and White collar Vote out Kelly ,not only cut off Mike's alliance,as well as the connection With WC, and probably create a crack for No collar to play with WC (however I found beside get Shirin vote , seems like these youngster not really Good in social or the show just doesn't edit that part ) Without Kelly's help, BC -Mike,Dan,Ciera,Rodney,will fall apart, Rodney needs number to tip over Mike ,and becasue of that ,a posibility of Temporally safer position in near future for NC ,who knows ? If Rodney really decide to do the "big move " to stab Mike and call the Game ,would be a good show . come one Rodney, give me some drama -- 喜歡秋末的冷空氣,金風送爽 碧雲天 黃花地 楓火杉紫 遙寄北雁南歸 也喜歡深沉蕭瑟的冬 飄羽的雪花 凝凍空氣下的銀色聖誕 三四月小雪小太陽 路邊的郁金香卻迫不及待發芽了,終於聽到鳥叫,久違了 的草地變成爛泥 我的春天幾時來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Realityshow/M.1428115966.A.797.html
popstarkirby: Jenn被針對是可預期的,只是很少人會果斷下HI 04/04 23:58
popstarkirby: 他們先頭掉Kelly,大概是覺得Kelly也沒打算加他們 04/04 23:58
popstarkirby: 還有就是"先斷Mike的聯盟" 04/04 23:58
wilde: yes I think Kelly is the right person to be targated 04/07 12:04
wilde: She was close with Carolyn, Mike and Sierra and now 04/07 12:05
wilde: she gone , Carolyn has no connection to blue collar, 04/07 12:06
wilde: Mike looses his closest ally and Sierra now hates her 04/07 12:07
wilde: original blue collar guys,blue collar will fall apart 04/07 12:09
wilde: Sierra doesn't like Rod,and Rod doesn't trust Mike 04/07 12:12
TVpotato: 藍領搞不好跟casaya一樣 互恨對方但還是團結投票 04/07 14:02
maggie777: So Mike is the ARAS of blue collar. Rodney is Shane 04/07 17:18
XiJun: 那誰是CIRIE?好像沒有...還是Kelly?但被投走... 04/08 00:30
XiJun: Courtney/Danielle是Sierra? Dan是Bruce? 04/08 00:31