精華區beta Realityshow 關於我們 聯絡資訊
No wonder why the coming idols sold lousy. ╮(╯_╰)╭ 以下有雷 上禮拜踢掉了Nadia, USA Today寫了篇"A Sad Song With Nadia Now Gone" 雖然這是Routine式的報導,但是裡面開頭特別寫了: "With Nadia Turner gone, so is the brightest hope for a charismatic singer capable of squeezing a marketable album out of this season's American Idol." "Though she regrettably stumbled in choosing a tepid song last week, Nadia was perhaps the only player with the sophistication, versatility and vocal control to hatch appealing singles, albeit with the help of a savvy producer or two. Sadly, shortsighted voters threw out the Babyface possibilities with the dull-as-dishwater tune." http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/tv/article.adp?id=20050419072909990001 原文連結 這禮拜踢掉了Anwar,還是很詭異,我認為Anwar的personality跟Nadia很像,是個有 原創性的contestant,是會讓人提起興趣去聽這禮拜他挑的歌、他的表演,從他的表 演可以看出他對音樂的熱愛。 (以下主觀性非常強,請不要釘我orz) 我不懂,Simon說的這麼清楚,Scott sang like he's in Karaoke. There is No sparkle, at least I can't feel it. 他有不錯的歌喉,這是事實,但是市場還 需要這樣子的歌手嗎? 我以前是沒看過AI啦,這一季一開始我覺得Paula還挺令人喜愛的,可是一進入12 finalists,她真的是越來越沒用了!每個人都great great great,proud proud proud,吵死了! Simon的意見真的就夠用了,Randy和Paula其實可以考慮休個假。 Anwar和Nadia會離開,Simon其實也沒意料到會這麼快吧XD。不過Simon的最後評語 都還滿像的, "You could go with that song." for Nadia "This is not a winning song!" for Anwar Simon真是準啊 XD -- 話說回來,Final 4 無意外應該會是Bo, Carrie, Constantine, Vonzell 不過最後的Idol倒是還挺難預測的,AOL的Vote一直都是Bo第一名,上禮拜竟然 結果是排在Bottom 2,我一直以為是節目要製造的高潮 XD -- ─────────────────────────────────What YOU want to be?           交大應化 ζ ┌──────────┘  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Agravic Lab └──────────────────────┘telnet://a-lab.twbbs.org -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
avarice:Vonzell for American Idol!! 04/21
christmas:Anwar會走掉我也很意外..我覺得Simon說Scott很 04/21
christmas:中肯..Scott就是regular American doing okay. 04/21
christmas: ordinary?有點忘記 XD 04/21
Morissett:是ordinary沒錯,XD,拜託趕快把他趕走啊||orz 04/21