精華區beta Renee 關於我們 聯絡資訊
很長的文章 只抓幾個重點 1 Renee oscar當天晚上其實是在家裡擦地板照顧她的狗Dylan 因為當她步出柯達劇院 她的衣服被踩到了 所以她打算回家換套衣服再去 而她的某個朋友載她回家 並且發現她忘了帶鑰匙出去 所以她的朋友必須翻牆進去幫她開門 沒想到她發現她的狗dylan把她的好幾個房間吐的到處都是 她就只有把她的禮服脫下 開始動手刷地板 然後幫dylan洗澡 並且照顧牠 這幾件事花了她漫長的一夜.....哈!!! 這是我第一次聽到這件事 之前報紙都是說有個電視圈的名製作人成了她的新歡 並且那天晚上一直陪在她身邊(參加了某個PARTY)直到4點才離開 不過可能那個翻牆的人就是他吧....麥克愛德華漢曼先生?? :) 4點鐘才走....也有可能 不過陪她刷地板(或是幫她刷地板刷到4點????? :P) 也難怪之後有小報拍到Renee第二天早上油光滿面滿臉倦容的出街買東西 anyway......這件事還真是蠻搞笑的 想想2個小時前還雍容華貴地在oscar典禮上大出風頭 現在要幫她的狗收拾爛攤子清理嘔吐物 不過她沒有佣人來幫她清理嗎?????? =.= 還好她沒得獎 要是得獎 影后竟然不出席慶功宴而在家裡當菲傭 那就真的太搞笑了!!!!! ps 文章太長 我分成幾次翻譯好了 Renee's Oscar diary By LOUIS B. HOBSON -- Calgary Sun NEW YORK -- Renee Zellweger will long remember this year's Oscars as a true Cinderella moment. It began with a magnificent gown, a limousine ride to the ceremonies and ended with Zellweger in jeans and a T-shirt scrubbing floors. "I had always intended to rush home after the ceremony to check on my dog Dylan. He's been ill for a while, but he'd had a pretty bad turn that day. "I just wanted to go home and kiss him on the nose and tell him I loved him," says Zellweger. Dylan, the beloved collie-golden retriever Zellweger rescued, has seen her through her best moments and her worst. He's been at her side to learn of her Oscar and Golden Globe nominations for Bridget Jones's Diary and Chicago and to ease her through her breakups with Jim Carrey and George Clooney. He's shared her tiny apartments, luxury apartments and her beautiful homes. She knows their time together is getting shorter so she is determined to spend as much quality time with Dylan as possible. "On my way out of the Kodak Centre, one of the doormen stepped on my dress and exposed something that shouldn't go to a Vanity Fair party, so I intended to change into another dress at home." Zellweger, 34, and a friend were limoed to her place in L.A. only to discover she had left her keys in the house. FRIENDLY RESCUE "My friend had to scale the wall to get in through an open window." Once they were inside, Zellweger discovered Dylan had been very ill in several of the rooms. "Suddenly the fantasy aspect of the evening gave way to reality. "I changed out of my gown, took Dylan into the yard to give him a bath and spent the rest of the evening cleaning floors and comforting him. "It was a big and memorable night in more ways than one." Zellweger lost her 2002 Oscar bid to Halle Berry and this year's to Nicole Kidman. "Oscars are a no-lose situation. You're in those beautiful gowns and in that incredible company. You just love your job. "This year every one in the (best actress) category is a dear, dear friend," says Zellweger of Kidman, Julianne Moore, Salma Hayek and Diane Lane. "It really, really was a shared moment among friends. We knew we were all going to be happy for whoever won and that made it all the more magical and wonderful." Zellweger did take the stage during the evening to present an award, but she did not join her Chicago costar Catherine Zeta-Jones to sing I Move On, their Oscar-nominated song. Instead, she gave the honour to Queen Latifah. "I don't regret that decision for a second. "I know myself and my work ethic. I would have needed to push myself for the two weeks before the show, instead of enjoying myself and celebrating my nomination. FIRST TIME JITTERS "I want to make the first time I sing in public as special for those watching me as it will be for me, and I was so tired because I made three pictures in a row, so I couldn't possibly have done my best." Zellweger is back this Friday with more magnificent costumes and another song flowing from her heart in the romantic comedy Down With Love. As feuding lovers, she and Ewan McGregor pay affectionate tribute to the Doris Day and Rock Hudson romantic comedies of the 1960s. There is a great deal of flirting, sexual innuendo and scheming in the courtship, but the lovers never quite consummate their passion. For a video over the closing credits, she and McGregor sing a duet of Here's to Love. In Down With Love, Zellweger plays Barbara Novak, a small town girl who writes a feminist diatribe demanding equality for women not just in the board room, but in the bedroom. Her nemesis Catcher Block (McGregor), is an award-winning journalist and a renowned lothario. Barbara says chocolate is as satisfying as sex when women are in control of their desires as well as their destinies. LOVE LESSONS Zellweger is not quite sure where she stands on this issue. "All I seem to do these days is work so I don't get to meet anyone, therefore I just fantasize about both," she says with a giggle. She insists she is still very much a romantic: "I'm not down on love. I've had those moments, but they've passed because I'm a die-hard romantic at heart. "A relationship doesn't have to be sexual to be romantic and right now, I'm very up on friendships." Zellweger will be seen later this year starring opposite Kidman and Jude Law in the Civil War drama Cold Mountain. She is waiting to see the a new screenplay for Bridget Jones 2 before she accepts one of several films she has been offered, including the Ron Howard boxing drama Cinderella Man, which would pair her with Russell Crowe. "I would definitely be Bridget Jones again with all that entails," says Zellweger, referring to the 25 lbs she gained for the role. "No one wants to do the sequel unless the screenplay is as good as the first one. We don't want to do a sequel just because the first one made a lot of money. We owe it to the fans of the characters to make as good, if not better, a film the second time around." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: kdlang (kdlang) 看板: Renee 標題: Re: Renee's Oscar diary 時間: Sun May 11 21:07:45 2003 2 這部分是說她對oscar落敗的心情 其實蠻場面話的 就是說oscar沒有輸家 而且今年的幾個入圍者大家都是好朋友 不管是哪一個得獎大家都會很開心 3 呼呼........這邊在解釋她為什麼不跟czj唱i move on了 她說她有自知之明也清楚該有她的職業道德 但是她只有2個星期的時間去練 她希望她的第一次在公開場合演唱能夠有好的水準 而觀眾也是為她而來的 而且她之前連拍了三部電影 已經非常的疲倦 所以她覺得她無法把這件事做到最好 因此決定把這個榮耀讓給昆恩拉提法 中間有幾段是在談down with love還有她對愛情的看法 蠻沒意思的 我就跳過了 4 有關她之後的計劃 除了年底上映的冷山之外 她也在等待bjd2的開拍 bjd2之後她手上還有好幾部片約要消化 其中一部是朗霍華導演 跟種馬合作的"Cinderella Man" 她也談到她對BJD2的看法 很明確地會繼續演出BJ(這次又變成要肥25磅了 @@) 她說除非續集能夠像第一集一樣好 否則拍續集沒有意義 因為她們不想只是因為第一集大賣而拍續集 反正總而言之 他們對於續集劇本的品質非常龜毛就是了