精華區beta RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
===>一個最近滿喜歡的蘇格蘭海盜金屬團XDDDD ALESTORM - Keelhauled My friends I stand before you 我的捧由們, 我站在你們面前 To tell a truth most dire 要跟你們講一個最可怕的真相你們不要去跟別人講要講也不要說是我講 They lust a traitor in our midst 有個貪心的小叛徒, 就在我們之中 Who haven't vote the captain's ire 大仔只要一生氣,接下來會做什麼連他自己都不知道! He don't deserve no mercy 我們不用可憐這個殺千刀的北七 We ought to shoot him with a gun 其實我們可以把他一槍打掛 But I am not an evil man 不過鬍子哥我人很好,而且很有禮貌,不會提出變態要求 So first lets have a little fun 所以還是先來找一點樂子吧^___^ We'll tie that scoundrel to a rope 我們要把這個機掰郎用繩子打包起來 And throw him overboard 然後把他拋下海 Drag him underneath the ship 讓他在船下被繩子拖啊拖啊拖啊拖 A terrifying deadly trip 這是一趟可怕的致命之旅啊爽噴 Keelhaul(註2) that filthy landlubber send him down to the depths below Keelhaul~~~把這個卑鄙的新警察丟到海裡去 Make that bastard walk the plank(註3) with a bottle of rum and a Yo-Ho-Ho 讓這個混蛋蒙上眼睛讓他去走舷外走到自己滾下海, 配著一瓶郎姆酒還有海盜的歡呼"喲-齁-齁!" Keelhaul that filthy landlubber send him down to the depths below Keelhaul~~~把這個卑鄙的新警察丟到海裡去 Make that bastard walk the plank with a bottle of rum and a Yo-Ho-Ho 讓這個混蛋蒙上眼睛讓他去走舷外走到自己滾下海, 配著一瓶郎姆酒還有海盜的歡呼"喲-齁-齁!" I will not say what he has done 我不會跟你說這傢伙到底是多麼的"有禮貌" His sins are far to grave to tell 他想贖罪可能去死個10次都還不夠 It's not my place to judge a man 雖然他這個人怎樣不干我屁事 But for them he will burn in hell 但是不管怎樣他到了地獄起碼要被火烤個10000次 The sharks will dine up on his flesh 我親愛的鯊魚們會好好享用他的鮮肉 And Davey Jones(註4) will have his soul 他變成阿飄之後深海閻王會好好"照顧"他 Take his money and his hat 把他的錢跟帽子拿給我 He won't need them where he's gonna go 反正他要去的地方不需要這些東西了科科 But first lets him to a rope 反正先把他綁一榜 And throw him overboard 然後把他拋下海 Drag him underneath the ship 讓他在船下被繩子拖啊拖啊拖啊拖 A terrifying deadly trip 這是一趟可怕的致命之旅啊爽噴 Keelhaul that filthy landlubber send him down to the depths below Keelhaul~~~把這個卑鄙的新警察丟到海裡去 Make that bastard walk the plank with a bottle of rum and a Yo-Ho-Ho 讓這個混蛋蒙上眼睛讓他去走舷外走到自己滾下海, 配著一瓶郎姆酒還有海盜的歡呼"喲-齁-齁!" Keelhaul that filthy landlubber send him down to the depths below Keelhaul~~~把這個卑鄙的新警察丟到海裡去 Make that bastard walk the plank with a bottle of rum and a Yo-Ho-Ho 讓這個混蛋蒙上眼睛讓他去走舷外走到自己滾下海, 配著一瓶郎姆酒還有海盜的歡呼"喲-齁-齁!" We'll tie that scoundrel to a rope 我們要把這個機掰郎用繩子打包起來 And throw him overboard 然後把他拋下海 Drag him underneath the ship 讓他在船下被繩子拖啊拖啊拖啊拖 A terrifying deadly trip 這是一趟可怕的致命之旅啊爽噴 Keelhaul that filthy landlubber send him down to the depths below Keelhaul~~~把這個卑鄙的新警察丟到海裡去 Make that bastard walk the plank with a bottle of rum and a Yo-Ho-Ho 讓這個混蛋蒙上眼睛讓他去走舷外走到自己滾下海, 配著一瓶郎姆酒還有海盜的歡呼"喲-齁-齁!" Keelhaul that filthy landlubber send him down to the depths below Keelhaul~~~把這個卑鄙的新警察丟到海裡去 Make that bastard walk the plank with a bottle of rum and a Yo-Ho-Ho 讓這個混蛋蒙上眼睛讓他去走舷外走到自己滾下海, 配著一瓶郎姆酒還有海盜的歡呼"喲-齁-齁!" 註1 其實這句我翻不出來, 求救 囧" 註2 Keelhaul=把人用繩子綁起來拖過船底 (從前對水手的一種處罰) 類似像這樣 http://www.wordsmith.org/words/images/keelhaul_large.jpg
註3 Walk the plank 被蒙著眼睛在突出的舷外行走而落海 (十七世紀時海盜處死俘虜的方法) 註4 深海閻王 http://tinyurl.com/dhgwj9 -- 全世界唯一一個穿著金內褲在台上2.3分鐘什麼都不做也不會被丟垃圾的男人 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huE1Wohg8G4
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
psyclone:註一可以翻成"大仔只要一生氣,接下來會做什麼連他自己都 11/12 20:46
psyclone:不知道" 喲~齁~齁~齁~齁~齁~齁 11/12 20:47
coolfly:不過鬍子哥我人很好,而且很有禮貌~( °灬°) 11/12 20:48
MoonOfFrost:推樓上... 11/12 20:51
coolfly:我看另外一版歌詞是Who hath invoked the captain's ire 11/12 20:56
coolfly:所以應該是psyclone說的那樣「惹火船長的人,死了也活該」 11/12 20:57
cielu:對 有2版 但是2個我都搞不太懂XDDDD 11/12 20:57
※ 編輯: cielu 來自: (11/12 21:01)
visualrock:酷飛的歌詞跟釋義都是比較合情合理的@@!! p大也厲害 11/12 21:15
VaderChuLip:怎麼看都覺得這個殺千刀的北七不是坐船的而是... 11/12 22:01
EDGE: 推翻譯分享,這翻法真歡樂~ XD 11/12 22:08
Mayhem:翻譯第二句好像是句台語的繞口令?挖嘎裡共哩賣嘎把郎共~~~ 11/12 22:18
cielu:殺千刀的北七不是坐船的那是怎麼來的XD 11/12 23:13
cielu:小含姐接那一句是台語來的沒錯 11/12 23:14
VaderChuLip:不要問, 很恐怖. 11/12 23:18