精華區beta RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上週剛出爐的新歌, 一樣是影片附翻譯字幕 最近會集中翻Equilibrium跟Alestorm 看完應該能回答海盜的生存四大要素 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyCCrR6q_TA
英文歌詞+漢語翻譯 這是一個樂團在路上閒晃 結果看到冒牌的mini me樂團在表演的故事 而且還有個樂手長得超像冰與火之歌的Tyrion 底下直接列出翻譯: Go! A storm is coming 快! 風暴即將來襲 The cold is mind numbing 寒冷麻痺透心 Darkness is descending 黑暗逐漸壟罩 Die, there's no escaping 要死了 沒有地方可以逃 We're all anticipating 我們都非常期待 Smashing your brains tonight 把你的腦袋打爆 就在今晚 Firing the cannons and raising the flag 發射大砲 揚起旗幟 This is the piratical way 這就是海盜的王道 We under the sign of the Storm of Ale 我們是麥酒風暴 Soon with your lives you will pay 你很快就要因此付出代價 Go! We're losing our minds 快! 我們已經失心瘋 Into the barrel, and drink what we find 喝光這些木桶 還有我們找到的酒 Rum, beer, quests and mead 蘭姆酒 啤酒 尋寶 蜂蜜酒 These are the things that a pirate needs 這些就是海盜的日常所需 Raise the flag and let's set sail 揚起旗幟向前航行 Under the sign of the Storm of Ale 我們是麥酒風暴 [x2] Rum, the finest potion 蘭姆酒是最棒的良藥 It gives me quite the notion 讓我可以集滿元氣 To vomit over your face 一口氣吐在你的臉上 Beer, so cold as ice 啤酒冷得像冰塊一樣 Its taste it will suffice 這樣喝起來才爽 Drinking through night and through day 日以繼夜 酒海無涯 Quest! This is the meaning of life 尋寶! 是人生的意義 A voyage into the unknown 帶領你航向未知的旅程 A tankard of mead, is all that I need 只要給我一大杯蜂蜜酒 To enter the partying zone 我就可以進入趴踢狀態 Go! We're out of control 快! 我們已經失控了 Escape from your brain to the depths of your soul 脫離理智 探索你的靈魂深處 Rum, beer, quests and mead 蘭姆酒 啤酒 尋寶 蜂蜜酒 These are the things that a pirate needs 這些就是海盜的日常所需 Raise the flag and let's set sail 揚起旗幟向前航行 Under the sign of the Storm of Ale 我們是麥酒風暴 [x2] Go! We're losing our minds 快! 我們已經失心瘋 Into the barrel, and drink what we find 喝光這些木桶 還有我們找到的酒 Go! There's no turning back 快! 沒有轉圜的餘地 Ready for battle, it's time to attack 準備戰鬥 發動攻擊 Rum, beer, quests and mead 蘭姆酒 啤酒 尋寶 蜂蜜酒 These are the things that a pirate needs 這些就是海盜的日常所需 Raise the flag and let's set sail 揚起旗幟向前航行 Under the sign of the Storm of Ale 我們是麥酒風暴 [x2] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1493393428.A.C31.html
gaking: 讚讚讚 04/29 12:07
hesitate: 推翻譯 04/30 21:19
Johnny6666: 我覺得我中毒了 05/01 00:42
zaqxswcde88: 推翻譯 06/25 08:56