精華區beta SF 關於我們 聯絡資訊
敝校外文系開了一門科幻文學...(小弟兩年前去過進修部的科幻電影,不知道這門課是不 是仍舊是進修部的課) 授課教師 高維泓 課程概述 The study of science fiction is one that informs how we understand our world at the beginning of the twentieth-first century, and explores the possibilities of our "cosmic beings." The writing of science fiction – starting from the fourth century before Jesus -- can be said a cradle for the emergence of the western civilization highlighting creativity, imagination, scientific speculation, and humanity. 課程目標 This course aims to examine science fiction through some of its most influential works in the novel, drama, short story, and film. Students are expected to respond to selected readings critically, and are invited to respond creatively as well. In addition, we will be watching and discussing several science fiction films. The class hopes to foster both the love and appreciation of this intriguing genre. By the end of the course students are expected to have more than an understanding of science fiction but a perspective of human civilization (and its possible extinction) in the imaginary world of advanced technology, global warming, time travel, extra-terrestrial life, space travel, human cloning, star war, and so on. 課程要求 1. Please be on time for class and ready with questions for your group mates. 2. Class participation and discussion: Please always preview the story before the class. Without previewing the story, you can hardly join the discussion. 3. A mid-term paper to be typed in double spacing; font no bigger than 12 pt; 3 full pages. Topics for the paper can be a reflection of the story/film we deal with in the first half the semester, or a masterpiece of science film (Eg. 前一百大科幻電影http://www.ylib.com/movie/top100.htm) 4. Please upload the mid-term paper onto Ceiba’s “Forum,” AND submit a printed version to the instructor. 5. No Plagiarism. Plagiarism – without citing the sources of your quotations – will definitely result in the failure of this course. 6. You are welcome to share your views and comments, and recommend relevant websites to the class on Ceiba (https://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/952scifi). Office Hours 另約時間 參考書目 A.《科幻世界的哲學凝視》。陳瑞麟著,三民書局。 B.《科幻電影奇航─遊走虛擬螢幕空間》。書林出版公司。 C.《科幻文學概論》。呂應鐘,吳岩著,五南出版社。 -- " Morning's going past us and heading your way, my friend. You give it a chance, morning's going to bring you the reason you need, some purpose, because that's what the morning does." ==== Dean Knootz, SOLE SURVIOVOR ==== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ANUBISANKH 來自: (02/17 11:07)
ANUBISANKH:概述那邊到底是啥玩意...? B.C. ? 02/17 11:07
raiderho:看了有些興致缺缺... 02/17 12:18
ANUBISANKH:科幻電影的內容也是差不多這樣,其實學不到什麼啦 02/17 12:27
modester:是進修部的課沒錯。 02/17 12:46
DaNee:看起來頗鳥......尤其那幾本參考書目 02/17 18:22
ANUBISANKH:看到參考書目就軟掉了啦 >"< 02/19 08:49
AngelSlay:我們學校有開一堂"Introduction to Interplanetary 02/23 03:20
AngelSlay:Flight" 不過和科幻本身好像沒有太多關連XD 02/23 03:21