精華區beta SanFrancisco 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我在craglist上找屋找到這個 Thanks for your message. The apartment will be available for as long as you are willing to rent. i own the apartment with my wife, we both had an accident few months ago, I'm currently disabled and I'm currently on a wheel chair I had to relocate back to our other house in FLORIDA ,USA that's why the apartment is vacant. Moreover, are you very clean,kind and easygoing?because my wife and I spent a lot on our property, so we want someone who can take care of the apartment. Kindly let me know as soon as possible because we need someone who is reliable to occupy it. Its a Modern 1 bedroom & 1 bathroom, . I will like you to drive by to the building today to view the exterior of the building for you to know where the apartment is located and get back to me so that I can forward the application form to you. Pets allowed.I would have loved to show the apartment but i am away attending to medicals and not returning soon.You are to follow little process to make this work.Its easier.Lets start by filling the application form.Parking for 1 vehicle. Address :18581 Cox Ave Saratoga, CA 95070 Price is - $1200/month 他寄給我的照片: https://goo.gl/6OO7Jg 不知道為什麼有種fraud的感覺 各位先進覺得呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SanFrancisco/M.1431501020.A.8EA.html
exla: 不能進去看的房子建議不要租。 05/13 15:18
exla: 就這樣把你私人資料給一個陌生人很危險。 05/13 15:20
cchris: 照片的主人是個華人,詐看起來不像詐騙,但可能有些難搞 05/13 15:33
AM0UR: 用孤狗以圖找圖,你會發現有幾張照片網路上到處都是, 05/13 15:41
AM0UR: 舉例: http://tinyurl.com/mtol6pf 這樣應該很明顯了. 05/13 15:44
Phater: 同一樓. 不讓你進去看的房子不要碰. 05/13 15:50
cchris: 這張照片被移花接木,很多國家的出租都用過 05/13 16:05
chataulait: 不能進去看的房子不要碰 +1 05/13 16:30
wish819: 騙人的!有接觸過類似廣告 屋主說在印度無法帶看房 要我 05/13 18:23
wish819: 自己開車到他給的住址看外觀環境 價錢非常便宜照片看環 05/13 18:23
wish819: 境也很好 後來用reverse photo search 照片根本就是偷來 05/13 18:23
wish819: 的 05/13 18:23
Floridasian: 看到FLORIDA, USA就知道是詐騙了..太明顯了啦! 05/13 23:50
GSXSP: Thank you all! Have ignored this one! 05/14 01:05
TripleC: 我看到Florida,USA的時候也覺得怪 05/14 02:23
GSXSP: 為什麼Florida, USA怪呢? 我自己是看到disable覺得怪怪的 05/14 02:54
GSXSP: 感覺一般人不會劈頭就講自己disable 05/14 02:55
GSXSP: 另外再加上不給進去看也覺得怪 05/14 02:56
Floridasian: 1.在美國的人不會加USA 2.只有FLORIDA,USA全部大寫 05/14 09:38
Floridasian: 其他都正常大小寫很明顯是拿script來fill in the 05/14 09:40
Floridasian: blanks..隨便看你今天想拿哪個地名來騙人 05/14 09:41
AM0UR: 推樓上,忘記用信的內容孤狗了, http://tinyurl.com/nf9uj77 05/14 13:51
AM0UR: 看來他們夫妻從去年起就一直輪流發生意外. 05/14 13:54