精華區beta Shinhwa 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I'm in Seoul now...it's very very cold >__< the temperature yesterday was -15*C and today is -6*C...cold to death = = we have been to M!Countdown for MinWoo's special stage..it's great! and yesterday we visit Shinhwa's chicken store, MinSung's mall cafe, Eric's restaurant, SoYeong's green tea house and also Good Entertainment~ I've taken a lot of pictures~~you can wait ~~~ Actually didn't see a lot Shinhwa related stuff on road, but Seoul is fun anyway ~ I just knew HyeSung's sign activity this morning... I've hurried to change my flight date till 8th...hope can go...wuli HyeSung~~~~~~ gotta go~ i'll turn my trip journal when go back! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hyesung5:哇哇~!版大來消息了~!期待版大回來的照片呀^^玩的開心喔 02/04 15:52
numblife:wow ~ how's everything,jill? u must be very exciting 02/04 15:52
numblife:good luck ! hope u can see your hyesung obba.....^^ 02/04 15:54
jillgod1982:i can see Chinese la~ just can't type... 02/04 15:56
shialin:哇~羨慕板大期待你回來的炫耀文阿XD 02/04 15:57
novivi:喔耶!好豐富的行程!加油~一定要見到小黑 02/04 15:57
anoka:希望版大可以如願的在2/7看到wuli公主.....禱告加持^^ 02/04 15:57
SHMHJ:吉兒你要替我們要看到wuli Hye Sung唷^^ 希望你能改機票~~ 02/04 16:05
SHMHJ:看到Hye Sung的話 要跟他說一堆人在台灣等他們來唷~~ 02/04 16:06
kalagi:一定會見到公主的...等著版大的炫耀文喲...^ ^ 02/04 16:10
phoebe2m:我們等你喔~~~ 02/04 16:32
poponi:我也等你的炫燿文....喔....不知道為什麼我也興奮起來了... 02/04 16:33
SHMHJ:忘記說了 我們等著你的炫燿文唷^^ 希望你玩得愉快~~ 02/04 16:34
jojombo:哇塞,版大真是該去的朝聖點都去囉,還去了舒英的茶店 02/04 17:22
sandraa:版大~~~完全愛你..等你回來哦...公主..你一定要等版大~~~ 02/04 18:14
pohosa:挖...超級羨慕的啦~~~一定要看到小黑啊!!! 02/04 19:20
funcky:哇~~~好久上來看一次,版大跑去韓國囉?等你回來po旅遊日記唷 02/04 20:11
hanijun:^_^吉兒加油~~~好棒~~~ 02/04 22:12
xobird:期待版大的炫耀文啊...加油...一定要看到正妹...要告訴公主 02/05 01:02
xobird:台灣很多小公主在等他們... 02/05 01:03
elfingirl:喔摸~~~m!Countdown超棒的又不用錢~~~真是太幸福啦 ^O^ 02/05 12:38
elfingirl:簽名會加油!!~~~一定要親眼近看到公主喔! 期待美人照^^ 02/05 13:17