精華區beta Sodagreen 關於我們 聯絡資訊
In recent years,rock bands in Taiwan have started a trend of releasing their own albums.Among them,the new young rock group Sodagreen has captured attention in Taiwan and beyond. Unlike a lot of musical groups,Sodagreen does not rely solely on television and radio promotions.By choosing to appeal to their audiences with live performances in smaller venues,they have built up a royal and enthusiastic fan base. Sodagreen's musical journey started when the band's lead singer,Ching-fung, (青峰)and the bass player Shin-yi(馨儀)decided to get together with other musical artists.Before too long,the band presented their talent to the world at big music contests,such as thr Hohaiyan Rock Fesitival. Aside from the usual electric guitar,bass,and drums,Sodagreen also includes an acoustic guitar and a viola.This adds a unique flavor to their music,Be it soft melodies,hard rock,or folk songs,Sodagreen is able to move its audience with every tune. Through the lyrics on their albums Sodagreen and The Little Unerverse,we see snd hear Sodagreen's feelings on love,life,and dreams for the future.Their music is like a sip of cool tea in the summer-refreshing and energizing. _____________________________________________________________________________ 這幾年,台灣的搖滾樂團開始流行發行自己的唱片.其中,一支年輕的新樂團蘇打綠獲得台 灣和其他各地樂迷的注目.有別於許多音樂團體,蘇打綠並不完全依賴在電視及廣播媒體 曝光的宣傳方式.他們選擇在較小的場地以現場表演來吸引聽眾,因此凝聚了一群死忠且熱 情的樂迷. 蘇打綠組團的緣起是因為主唱青峰與貝斯手馨儀決定找其樂手共同組團,開始他們的音樂ꐊ 之路.不久,這支樂團在大型音樂比賽如海洋音樂祭上向世人展現才華. 除了一班樂團常見的電吉他,貝斯和鼓,蘇打綠還加入木吉他與中提琴,為音樂增添了獨特 的味道.不論是抒情,搖滾,或民謠的曲風,蘇打綠的每首歌都能打動樂迷的心. 在他們的專輯<<蘇打綠>>和<<小宇宙>>的歌詞中,我們可以看見並且聽見蘇打綠對於愛情, 生活與夢想的描繪.他們的音樂就像夏日的一口冰茶般,讓你感受到清涼與活力. ______________________________________________________________________________ 文章出處:Live 互動英語雜誌4月號 ______________________________________________________________________________ 喔~終於打完了 本篇完全純手工製 打英文真是要了我的命 (龜速般的英打.....) 分享給沒有買雜誌的大家囉!!! (話說我以為封面一整個版面都是青峰 沒想到只占了一小角) -- 就這麼沉醉在蘇打五月綠色天的世界裡 只因我為愛而生 我只要我的小宇宙 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
a28210748712:辛苦了:) 03/18 23:48