精華區beta Sodagreen 關於我們 聯絡資訊
臺灣獨立樂團蘇打綠憑周六在Max Pavilion的精彩演唱會,證明他們在去年的臺灣金曲獎 得到最佳樂團實至名歸。 六人在這兩個多鐘頭的表演,以他們動人的歌聲、幽默的言語和團員之間無暇的默契,讓 擠爆會場的3500人每一位都嗨到極點。 蘇打綠以一首《無與倫比的美麗》開場,頓時讓所有歌迷陷入瘋狂尖叫當中。打粉們不少 身穿綠色手拿綠色熒光棒,盡情地享受。打綠的歌迷年齡層非常廣,從青少年到40幾的歐 巴桑都被他們的魅力俘虜。 一身黑白頂著一頭灰紫雞冠頭的主唱吳青峰顯然狀態極佳,以他獨家嗓門在抒情情歌和強 勁的搖滾樂當中游刃。只不過到了第二首歌《Believe in Music》,他就成功讓所有觀眾 站起來,隨著他揮著熒光棒跳動。 從那一點開始,臺風都吹不走蘇打綠和觀眾的好心情,一連串27首歌,簡直讓歌迷欲罷不 能,頻頻要求更多。 鍵盤手兼中提琴手龔鈺祺在《暫時失控》時秀出了他的韻律感,秀了一段solo舞,讓大家 興奮不已。另外一個經典就是他們唱了重新編曲鄧麗君的名曲《我只在乎你》,非常有意 思。《小情歌》也是一首讓人回味無窮的歌。 最有趣的是,青峰利用了兩個麥克風制造了不少音效,尤其在《小情歌》的時候,感動了 所有歌迷。 風趣幽默又魅力無窮的青峰不停和所有觀眾打情罵俏,還感謝大家選擇了蘇打綠而不是 同時期上演的大型音樂節Singfest。 他也應要求在encore時候唱了5首歌,此舉歲讓非常慷慨,但是如果要歌迷一整晚隨著 蘇打綠舞動,一定沒問題。 --------------------------------------- 中文沒有英文好所以記者用的有些關鍵字也許翻譯得沒有很好 singfest那段是阿福說的吧? 還有他頭發其實不是灰紫色,我只是照著翻而已。已經染成褐色了啦。 就這樣。 阿蠻下臺一鞠躬。 ※ 引述《LikeAChild (心好痛 好嗓心)》之銘言: : The Straits Times Life!People Jocelyn Lee : TAIWANESE indie band sodagreen proved they deserved to win the Best Band : prize in Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards for last year and this year with a : highlight-packed concert at the Max Pavilion last Saturday. : For more than 2½hours, the six-member group entertained the almost full : house crowd of 3,500 with a good mix of energetic numbers, moving ballads : and tight music arrangements, coupled with humourous and lively interaction : among the bandmates and with the audience. : They kicked off with the ballad Incomparable Beauty from their third album : of the same name. They were greeted by screaming fans, who ran gamut from : young people in their teens to 40somethings, many of whom wore green and : carried green lightsticks to show their support. : Affable lead vocalist Wu Cheng-feng, sporting purple-grey spiky hair with a : black and white outfit, was in top form as he wowed the crowd with his : signature high-pitched and powerful vocals, switching smoothly from soulful : ballads to fast rock numbers and back to ballads again. : The 26-year-old got everyone on their feet in the fast-paced second song, : Believe in Music, as he jumped energetically on stage with his bandmates : and signalled for the crowd to do the same. : From then on, there was no stopping the band as they tore through 27 songs : in a gig that had fans screaming for more. : Keyboardist/violinist Kung Yu-chi showed off his groove when he came forward : for a solo spot during Temporarily Out of Control. The 28-year-old's : exaggerated dance steps had the crowd laughing. : Other standout moments included an intriguing rock take on Teresa Teng's : famous ballad, I Only Care About You, rearranged for violin, drums and : electric guitars as well as the touching piano ballad, Little Love Song. : Interestingly, Wu used two microphones most of the time to fully amplify his : main vocals and echoes. The results melted the audience's hearts, especially : in the ballad, Little Love Song. : The talkative charmer flirted throughout the concert and thanked everyone for : choosing sodagreen over SingFest, the large scale outdoor music festival also : happening over the weekend. : And he accommodated the fans' requests for the encore, singing five songs. : It was a generous encore but fans could have danced all night to sodagreen. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
icat:好棒的報導 08/04 21:01
Poyu412:謝啦 果然新加坡歌迷的英文都很好......XD 08/04 21:02
shunnqhua:強!!! 08/04 21:02
ning6131:我終於完全看懂了 謝謝原PO 辛苦了:) 08/04 21:02
tessyelsa:翻得太讚了~謝謝~原PO太謙虛了~可以去當記者囉~XD 08/04 21:03
carimi:謝謝原PO的用心:) 08/04 21:03
LikeAChild:科科 謝謝翻譯~ 08/04 21:03
ufo1234:謝謝原po :)) 08/04 21:03
reeneho:你們推文未免太快了吧?PO文前后不到幾分鐘 08/04 21:04
※ 編輯: reeneho 來自: (08/04 21:05)
Poyu412:有先推再看這種東西呀 XDDDDD 看青一周練出來的 08/04 21:05
tessyelsa:原PO幫了大忙~讓大家更看得懂報導~謝謝你~ 08/04 21:08
shwen:推一下:) 08/04 21:20