精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名:Colbie Caillat 2.歌名/專輯名: Begin again 4.歌詞: (選填) 5.想法: 第二段 oh this is not the way that it should end it's the way it should begin it's the way it should begin, again no, i never wanna fall apart, never wanna break your heart never wanna let you break my own yes, i know we've said alot of things that we probably didn't mean but it's not too late to take them back so, before you say you're gonna go.. i should probably let you know that i never knew what i had.. i never knew what i had.. 這段旋律讓我有完全進入這速度裡跟著前進的感覺~很舒服。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ruchy:這首歌真的很棒!!我也超愛他的副歌~~ 01/12 00:00