精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名: 之前有人貼過原唱的,這首是女生翻唱版,是一個叫rebecca(?)的女生 2.歌名/專輯名:原唱是kodaline all i want 3.連結:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRMBnrwz28
(請注意即日起 請勿張貼有版權疑慮的連結 僅限張貼官方釋出的影音連結) 4.歌詞: All I Want Kodaline All I want is nothing more to hear you knocking at my door 'cause if i could see your face once more I could die as a happy man I'm sure when you said your last goodbye I died a little bit inside I lay in tears in bed all night alone without you by my side but If you loved me why did you leave me take my body take my body all I want is all I need is to find somebody to find somebody oooohhhh ohhh 'cause you brought out the best of me a part of me I'd never seen you took my soul wiped it clean our love was made for movie screens but If you loved me why did you leave me take my body take my body all I want is all I need is to find somebody to find somebody ooooohhhhhh if you loved me why did you leave me take my body take my body all I want is all I need is to find somebody to find somebody like you oooohhh 5.想法: 聽起來很有感觸,尤其有在戀愛的話,蠻適合靜靜地聽一聽, 沉澱沉澱心情。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
GothicKuma:這首很棒 推!!! 02/09 21:12
ElliotMa:推! 02/10 00:15
sanafifi:推!很喜歡原曲 cover有另一種沉澱的味道 02/12 13:49