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專輯:Down The Way 歌詞: He said "I am the devil, boy, come with me And we'll make many storms" He offered me the universe But inside my heart there's a picture of a girl Some call love a curse, some call love a thief But she's my home And she's as much apart for this broken heart, but see Broken bones always seem to mend I'll taste the devil's tears Drink from his soul, but I'll never give up you I'll taste the devil's tears Drink from his soul, but I'll never give up you He said "I am the devil, boy, Come with me and we'll break many laws" He offered me eternal life but inside my heart there's a picture of a girl Some call love a word, some call love a thief But she's my home And she's as much apart for this broken heart, but see Broken bones always seem to mend I'll taste the devil's tears Drink from his soul, but I'll never give up you I'll taste the devil's tears Drink from his soul, but I'll never give up you 很喜歡這對澳洲兄妹的,尤其是這首歌推薦給大家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lz505511:很舒服的感覺:) 02/17 23:37
gonna318:推他們唱的 Big jet plane 02/22 00:50