精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名: Plain White T's 2.歌名/專輯名:"Hey There Delilah" 3.連結: 4.歌詞: (選填) Hey there Delilah (嗨,狄蕾拉) What's it like in New York City? (紐約現在怎樣?) I'm a thousand miles away (雖然,我離你很遠) But girl, tonight you look so pretty (但是,我相信今晚你一定很美) Yes, you do (你一定很美) Times Square can't shine as bright as you (紐約的時代廣場,也沒有你漂亮) I swear it's true (我是認真的) Hey there Delilah (嘿,狄蕾拉) Don't you worry about the distance (雖然我離你很遠,但妳不要擔心) I'm right there if you get lonely (如果你覺得寂寞,我馬上就會出現在你身邊) This lyrics is translated by Three Minute Passion (本歌詞由三分鐘熱度部落格翻譯) Give this song another listen (再聽一次這首歌) Close your eyes (閉上眼睛) Listen to my voice (聽聽我的聲音) It's my disguise (其實我正唱著歌,一步步走近你) I'm by your side (我就在你身邊啊) Oh, it's what you do to me (都是因為妳對我的好,我才會這麼想你) Oh, it's what you do to me (你的好我忘不了) Oh, it's what you do to me (都是因為妳) Oh, it's what you do to me (都是因為妳啊) Hey there Delilah (嘿,狄蕾拉) I know times are getting hard (我知道,這對你很困難) But just believe me, girl (但是,相信我……) Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar (有一天,我會用這把吉他賺到錢) We'll have it good (那時我們就會很快樂) We'll have the life we knew we would (我們會擁有夢想中的生活) My word is good (我說到作到) Hey there Delilah (嘿,狄蕾拉) I've got so much left to say (我還有很多想對你說的) If every simple song I wrote to you Would take your breath away, (如果每一首我為你寫的歌,都能讓我瘋狂) I'd write it all (那我會把它們寫到完) Even more in love with me you'd fall (雖然我已經很愛你,但我還想讓你再愛我多一點) We'd have it all (我們會擁有全部的愛) Oh, it's what you do to me (這一切,都是因為妳啊) Oh, it's what you do to me (妳到底對我作了什麼呢?) A thousand miles seems pretty far (一千哩的距離,看起來很遙遠) But they've got planes and trains and cars (不過,我們可以坐飛機、火車和汽車) I'd walk to you if I had no other way (就算我沒有錢,用爬的也要爬到你身旁) Our friends would all make fun of us (大家會嘲笑我們) And we'll just laugh along because (而我們也會笑,因為…) We know that none of them have felt this way (我們知道,他們根本不懂) Delilah, I can promise you (狄蕾拉,我向你保証) That by the time that we get through (當我們成功的時候) The world will never ever be the same (我們的世界就不一樣了) And you're to blame (這一切都是因為你的緣故) Hey there Delilah (嘿,狄蕾拉) You be good and don't you miss me (你會過得很好,不要太想我) Two more years and you'll be done with school (兩年之後你就畢業了) And I'll be making history like I do (而我會成為真正的吉他手) You'll know it's all because of you (你知道,這一切都是因為你) We can do whatever we want to (你想怎樣都可以) Hey there Delilah (嘿,狄蕾拉) Here's to you (這首歌是獻給你的) This one's for you (我也是你的) Oh, it's what you do to me (都是因為你) 歌詞轉至http://ppt.cc/Stzh 5.想法: 對這首歌的感覺 回憶 等等 多麼令人感動的愛 但什麼時候我們才能擁有 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
xxx22088:他們叫Plain White T's 03/12 15:58
謝囉~ ※ 編輯: wkid 來自: (03/12 16:20)
joywhitecat:好聽! 03/12 22:30
mathermatic:好聽 03/26 21:50