精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名: Jason Mraz 2.歌名/專輯名: Details In The Fabric 3.連結: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdIw6tEjyEg
(請注意即日起 請勿張貼有版權疑慮的連結 僅限張貼官方釋出的影音連結) 4.歌詞: (選填) Calm down 試著冷靜 Deep breaths 深呼吸一口 And get yourself dressed instead 把衣服穿上 Of running around 別再慌張踱步 And pulling all your threads and 慢慢抽絲剝繭 Breaking yourself up 整理現在的自己 If it's a broken part, replace it 看是身上那個零件壞了,換個新的 But, if it's a broken arm then brace it 或者手再無縛雞之力,將它固定 If it's a broken heart then face it 如果是心碎了,就重新面對 And hold your own 把持自己 Know your name 認清自己 And go your own way 繼續向前走 Hold your own 要自己堅強 Know your own name 相信自己 And go your own way 然後朝自己的路上繼續前進 And everything will be fine 任何事都會好轉的 Everything will be fine 一切都會沒事的 Hang on 堅持下去 Help is on the way 救援即將到來 Stay strong 勇敢活下去 I'm doing everything 我會盡最大努力幫助你 Hold your own 堅持到底 Know your name 了解自己 And go your own way 繼續向前 Hold your own 要堅強起來 Know your name 認清自己 And go your own way 就能走出自己的路 And everything, everything will be fine 一切,一切都會安然度過 Everything 無論任何事 Are the details in the fabric 這些瑣碎的枝微末節 Are the things that make you panic 讓人痛不欲生 Are your thoughts results of static cling 這些默默成形的流言蜚語 Are the things that make you blow 快要讓人喘不過氣 Hell, no reason, go on and scream 來得毫無緣由,只有繼續嘶吼向前 If you're shocked it's just the fault 不必害怕 Of faulty manufacturing 它只是短暫失控 Yeah everything will be fine 事情終將好轉 Everything in no time at all 而且很快的 Everything 一切,一切 Hold your own 堅持到底 And know your name 相信自己 And go your own way 就能走出自己的路 Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name) 那些瑣碎的枝微末節 Are the things that make you panic 那些讓你痛不欲生的事 Are your thoughts results of static cling(Go your own way) 那些默默成形的流言蜚語 Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name) 那些瑣碎的枝微末節 Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way) 那些讓你痛不欲生的事 Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine 不過是冥冥註定的 Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name) 快要讓你無法呼吸的事情 Hell no reason go on and scream 嘶吼地發洩它吧 If you’re shocked it's just the fault (Go your own way) 不用害怕 Of faulty manufacturing 它只是短暫失控 Everything will be fine 一切終究會重回軌道 Everything in no time at all 而且很快的 Hearts will hold 心將回歸平靜 歌詞出處:http://blog.yam.com/jenus828/article/17345118 5.想法: 偶然在別版文章內看到這首歌, 聆聽後發現很能讓人沉靜心情, 紊亂的情緒彷彿暫時得到紓解... -- 生活總是讓我們遍體鱗傷, 但到後來,那些受傷的地方一定會變成我們最強壯的地方。 ——海明威《老人與海》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: