精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名: Radiohead 2.歌名/專輯名: Last Flowers 3.連結: (請注意即日起 請勿張貼有版權疑慮的連結 僅限張貼官方釋出的影音連結) 4.歌詞: Appliances have gone berserk I can't look you up Treading on people's toes Snot-nosed little fools And I can't face the evening straight And you can't offer me escape Houses live and houses speak If you take me there you'll get relief Believe, believe, believe, believe... And if I don't know ?? I just wanna talk Please don't interrupt Just sit back and listen Cause I can't face the evening straight And you can't offer me escape Houses live and houses speak If you take me there you'll get relief Believe, believe, believe, believe... It's too much Too bright Too powerful Too much Too bright Too powerful Too much Too bright Too powerful Too much 5.想法: 看完告白這部電影以後,特別去找這首歌來聽 感覺有點悲傷,但很好聽 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
daphne1993:我也是因為告白而去找這首,推! 03/29 21:59