精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名:MadilynBailey(原唱OneRepublic) 2.歌名:If I Lose Myself 3.連結: MadilynBailey翻唱版:http://youtu.be/NP7nK2zPirc
4.歌詞: I stared up at the sun Thought of all the people, places and things I’ve loved I stared up just to see Of all the faces, you were the one next to me You can feel the light start to tremble Washing what you know out to sea You can see your life out of the window, tonight If I lose myself tonight It’ll be by your side If I lose myself tonight woooh, woooh, woooh! If I lose myself tonight It’ll be you and I Lose myself tonight whoooooooo 5.想法: 一開始聽到這首歌是因為翻唱的MadilynBailey 接著去聽原唱後還是比較喜歡Madilyn的編曲, 很舒服會讓人一直想重複聽下去, 還有Madilyn和聲重唱部分私心也覺得比原唱好聽(怎麼這樣XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
GothicKuma:喔喔喔~這個翻唱版本好讚!!! 04/02 23:32
lefez:翻唱版好聽~~~~ 04/04 00:33