精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名:側田 Jusitn Lo - A Song Per Day 2.歌名/專輯名:是電影"天生一對"中的副歌,未收入在個人專輯中 4.歌詞: Every time when i'm thinking of you I just don't know what to do Pinch myself when i'm dreaming of you, Making sure that you could love me too How it slipped away, all my happy days. Though i'm acting cool, when i'm feeling blue, Just to show you that i'm true with you, while i never want it too. How can the love so beautiful ever slip away, When i get to the place, I swear i'll write you a song each in everyday, Oh, god i'm missing you is driving me so insane, Standing all alone in pouring rain, 5.想法: 第一次聽到這首歌的旋律就忍不住愛上了~ 雖然忘記當時電影的內容,但是這旋律從此之後就一直停留在腦海中 只是很可惜整首歌很短,側田也沒有這首歌放在個人專輯中 (當初聽到這首歌才開始認識側田,才發現其他常聽的歌是他作的!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bookcan925:這首真的好聽~ 推 07/08 16:48