精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名:Steven Geraghty (Libera) 2.歌名/專輯名:You Were There / ICO - Melody in the Mist (Soundtrack) (請注意即日起 請勿張貼有版權疑慮的連結 僅限張貼官方釋出的影音連結) 4.歌詞: (選填) The island bathes in the sun's bright rays 這小島沐浴在陽光裡 Distant hills wear a shroud of grey 遠處山丘了無生氣 A lonely breeze whispers in the trees 孤獨微風細語在林間 Sole witness to history 是歷史的唯一證見 Fleeting memories rise 回憶從我腦海 From the shadows of my mind 深處緩緩升上來 Sing "nonomori" - endless corridors 唱"諾諾莫理" 無盡的迴廊 Say "nonomori" - hopeless warriors 說"諾諾莫理" 絕望的戰將 You were there 你在那兒 You were there 你在那兒 Am I forever dreaming 難道我身在夢中 How to define the way I'm feeling 如何解釋我的感受 You were there 你曾在那兒 Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep 無數的憧憬出沒我夢中 You were there 你曾在那兒 Though forgotten all promises we keep 即使忘卻我們所有約定 Slaves to our destiny 被命運所杯葛 I recall a melody 我想起了那首歌 Sing "nonomori" - seasons lit with gold 唱"諾諾莫理" 季節同金閃動 Say "nonomori" - legends yet untold 說"諾諾莫理" 傳說未被傳頌 You were there 你在那兒 You were there 你在那兒 Happiness follows sorrow 歡喜隨悲傷而來 Only believing in tomorrow 只有相信著未來 You were there 你曾在那兒 Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep 無數的憧憬出沒我夢中 You were there 你曾在那兒 Though forgotten all promises we keep 即使忘卻我們所有約定 The island bathes in the sun's bright rays 這小島沐浴在陽光裡 Distant hills wear a shroud of grey 遠方山丘了無生氣 A lonely breeze whispers in the trees 孤獨微風細語在林間 Sole key to this mystery 是這謎團唯一關鍵 5.想法: 對這首歌的感覺 回憶 等等 這首歌是在電玩快打介紹ICO(迷霧古城)的時候聽到的,ICO主打的是簡單美麗的光影視覺 主題曲跟遊戲畫面非常的相襯,清新雋永,時隔10年聽到還是覺得很感動,推薦給大家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SpicyBear 來自: (07/24 23:29)
GINDAM:ICO推一個 08/08 00:43
fl74924:好聽~心都沉澱了! 09/01 21:31