精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名:Alanis Morissette 2.歌名/專輯名:Simple Together 4.想法and資訊: Alanis的精選專輯中,對她寫的這首歌是這樣說的: 「這是我寫過的歌曲中最悲傷的一首,它有種真誠與率直的感覺,在我所有帶有悲傷情緒 的歌曲中,這首歌的悲傷成分是經過高度淨化的一種。」 我是個聽歌很容易哭的人,這首歌我聽完不會哭,而是靜靜的坐著或躺著,回憶著一個人 、一些事、一段時光...... 5.歌詞: ★這首歌一定要搭配歌詞服用啊! You've been my golden best friend Now with post-demise at hand Can't go to you for consolation 'Cause we're off limits during this transition This grief overwhelms me It burns in my stomach And I can't stop bumping into things I thought we'd be simple together I thought we'd be happy together Thought we'd be limitless together I thought we'd be precious together But I was sadly mistaken You've been my soulmate and then some I remembered you the moment I met you With you I knew God's face was handsome With you I saw fun and an expansion This loss is numbing me It pierces my chest And I can't stop dropping everything I thought we'd be sexy together Thought we'd be evolving together I thought we'd have children together I thought we'd be family together But I was sadly mistaken If I had a bill for all the philosophies I shared If I had a penny for all the possibilities I presented If I had a dime for every hand thrown up in the air My wealth would render this no less severe I thought we'd be genius together I thought we'd be healing together I thought we'd be growing together Thought we'd be adventurous together But I was sadly mistaken Thought we'd be exploring together Thought we'd be inspired together I thought we'd be flying together Thought we'd be on fire together But I was sadly mistaken 【中譯】 你曾是我最好的朋友 如今你卻不在 再也不能跟你要些安慰 你我早已不再相關 悲傷淹沒著我 炙燒著我 無法停止去回想 以為我們能就這麼簡單的伴著彼此 以為我們能就這麼快樂的一起 以為我們在一起有無限可能 以為我們能就這麼珍惜一起的時光 難過的是,我錯了 你曾是我的靈魂伴侶、我的精神支柱 我永遠記得我遇見你的那一刻 因為你,我看到上帝是多麼眷顧我 因為你,我的世界更加快樂,更加開闊 失去你,麻木我的知覺 刺穿我的胸口 我無法停止掉入回憶的漩渦 以為我們能這麼放縱著在一起 以為我們能就這麼融入彼此 以為我們能擁有孩子 以為我們能共組家庭 難過的是,我錯了 如果對它是我所有的存款,我想和你分享我所有的人生體悟 如果它只是夠用的一小筆錢,我想跟你表達任何幸福的可能性 如果它已是我僅有所剩,我願放棄所有 我願就這麼交付你我的所有 以為我們是天生一對 以為我們在一起能治癒彼此 以為我們會一起成長 以為我們能在未知的世界裡一起探險 難過的是,我錯了 以為我們能一起探索未來 以為我們能一起啟發彼此 以為我們能一起飛翔 以為我們能一起燃起熱情 難過的是,我錯了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iwontgiveup 來自: (08/06 14:24)
dest04:Sad 08/09 20:51
dest04:這首歌 好好聽 好容易讓我感到悲傷 08/14 11:01