精華區beta Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.歌手名: Pay money to my pain 2.歌名/專輯名: Pictures 3.連結: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTtZHLsSHfI
4.歌詞: I feel my heart is getting lost being myself is painful Someone says you don't have a chance to restart the life that you never had Negative emotions attacked me especially like this lonely night Silence is eating my brain shutting me down and I'm stuck again Years spent drawing and painting me colors on myself once I saw my future but now I need to wipe off my eyes Tell me when you have lost your way What would you do to see the light again Picture is the only way to remember that your past is true When you get trapped in your life When you are up against the wall What would you give to be free just like how we were before Endless pain I've had enough If only just for now can't have it all but in the end it defeated me why do I let my past laugh at me I've been dreaming and I've been drawing what I saw But time waits up for no one That's why we are living in a picture Tell me when you have lost your way What would you do to see the light again Picture is the only way to remember that your past is true When you get trapped in your life when you are up against the wall what would you give to be free just like how we were before I feel my heart is getting lost being myself is painful someone says you don't have a chance to restart the life that you never had Negative emotions attacked me I can feel my hope slipping away I ask myself Will you stay with me Tell me when you have lost your way what would you do to see that light again picture is the only way to remember that your past is true When you get trapped in your life when you are up against the wall what would you give to be free just like how we were before Tell me when you have lost your way what you do to see the light again picture is the only way to remember that your past is true When you get trapped in your life just wanna run but you don't have the strength what would you give to be free just like we were before 5.想法: 還記得第一次聽到這首歌時感到很驚豔 覺得很不像是日本團 主唱K的聲音很迷人很有辨識度 我一次又一次的撥著這首歌 導致那陣子腦海中會不時浮現旋律 不由自主地哼著 之前聽到主唱K因病逝世的消息很震驚 我還想著說他們來台灣要去看他們的表演 去聽聽那迷人嗓音的現場演出 真的很可惜 :( 很喜歡這首歌,和大家分享P.T.P的好音樂 :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
allen79yu:好團!! weight of my pride 也超好聽!!! 08/14 01:57