精華區beta SouthPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
屎蛋,凱子。 文字難以形容吾恨你們之心萬一。 革命尚未成功同志仍須努力。吾心中殷殷掛切之事 惟恨兩位之心已屆無法自拔之深淵, 大稻埕已於吾囊中。吾將帶領軍民前進台北橋, 吾將咬緊牙關直到獲得勝利。奴隸之約定需切記! 因為,我恨你們! 恨你們為吾最大之動力!切記~ 阿趴將軍手書~ Dear guys. Words cannot express how much I hate you guys. As we fight our way northward into the great unknown, only that one thing remains certain: that I hate you guys with every tired muscle in my Confederate body. We have taken Topeka, and now I must rally the men onward to Missouri. Because I will not stop until we have won it all, and you guys are my slaves. Because, I hate you guys. I hate you guys so very very much. Yours, General Cartman Lee 屎蛋看到這封信後,又說"送他去梨田"(台)…這句,本來看到這封信 已經笑到不行了,又加上這句,真是經典到不行!! 親愛的阿尼媽如晤: 吾作此書珠淚與筆墨齊下、不能竟書而欲擱筆。汝子阿尼今晨於戰場橫屍、 汝收信時,汝子當已成灰。吾輩處今日之南方公園,曰:天災可以死、 盜賊可以死、瓜分之日可以死、貪官污吏可以死; 一切皆因凱子屎蛋二夫令人厭。吾將矢志收其為奴,以慰汝子在天之靈為祈 一慟 阿ㄆㄧㄚˇ將軍手書 Dear Ms. McCormick It is with a very heavy heart that I must inform you that your son Kenny was killed in battle on the morning of November 18, at Ruby Hills Funland in Chattanooga. This war has taken something from all of us, and, although your son seems to be the only casualty so far, know that we all share your pain. Your son did not die in vain. I shall persevere and make Stan and Kyle my slaves. Because I hate those guys. I hate them so very very much. Yours, General Cartman Lee 總統親親如晤: 吾今以此書鄭重佈達吾堅定之意念,吾常願天下有情人都成眷屬, 可惜天下不容汝之惡情,吾等為國之安危,手持汝之緋聞證據影帶,望汝自重 Dear Mr. President: There are times when humans can no longer endure their government's authoritah. You must declare the Confederaceh its own nation so that we may enter into a new millennium of prosperitah. If you do not meet our demands, we will be forced to show the videotapes we have of you with Marisa Tomei. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ktyiel 來自: (11/12 17:48)
jimmyduh:這篇應該m起來 推 11/12