精華區beta Spain 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是FACEBOOK上看到的 很妙 可以參考一下 This is a group for everyone who has spent more than a holiday in Spain & for whom some/all of the following are true.... I noticed France has one of these groups so Spain really should too! I lived in the south of Spain for a year and absolutely loved it, so here are some of my observations about life in Spain. I know some may be more true of the south than everywhere, but still, I hope you like them! And I realise that not everyone will agree, so please understand that these are the comments of a young foreigner who spent a year in Spain rather than a Spanish person! I'm not trying to offend anyone, that is the last thing I want to do. These are just some of the things I noticed about Spanish life which makes it different to life in the UK. And it is meant to be taken as 'tongue in cheek...' 1) You think adding lemonade, fanta or even coke to red wine is a good idea. 2) You can't get over how early bars & clubs shut back home - surely they're shutting just as you should be going out? 3) You aren't just surprised that the plumber/decorator has turned up on time, you're surprised he turned up at all. 4) You've been part of a botellon. 5) You think it's fine to comment on everyone's appearance. And to openly stare at strangers. 6) Not giving every new acquaintance dos besos seems so rude. 7) You're shocked by people getting their legs out at the first hint of sun - surely they should wait until at least late June? 8) On msn you sometimes type 'jajaja' instead of 'hahaha' 9) You think that aceite de oliva is a vital part of every meal. And don't understand how anyone could think olive oil on toast is weird. 10) You're amazed when TV ad breaks last less than half an hour, especially right before the end of films. 11) You forget to say please when asking for things - you implied it in your tone of voice, right? 12) You love the phenomenon of giving 'toques' - but hate explaining it in English 14) You don't see sunflower seeds as a healthy snack - they're just what all the cool kids eat. 15) You know what a pijo is and how to spot one. 16) Every sentence you speak contains at least one of these words: 'bueno,' 'cono,' 'vale,' 'venga,' 'pues nada'... 17) You know what a 'resaca' is. 18) You know how to eat boquerones. 19) A bull's head on the wall of a bar isn't a talking point for you, it's just a part of the decor. 20) You eat lunch after 2pm & would never even think of having your evening meal before 9. 21) You know that after 2pm there's no point in going shopping, you might as well just have a siesta until 5 when the shops re-open. 22) If anyone insults your mother, they better watch out... 23) You know how to change a bombona. And if you don't, you were either lazy or lucky enough to live somewhere nice. 24) It's not rude to answer the intercom to your flat by asking 'Quien?' (or maybe that was just my flatmate...) 25) You don't accept beer that's anything less than ice-cold. 26) You know Bimbo isn't a slutty woman, it's a make of 'pan de molde' (which, incidentally, isn't mouldy) 27) The sound of mopeds in the background is the soundtrack to your life. 28) You know that the mullet didn't just happen in the 80s. It is alive and well in Spain. 29) You know the difference between cojones and cajones, tener calor and estar caliente, bacalao and bakalao, pollo and polla, estar hecho polvo and echar un polvo...and maybe you learned the differences the hard way! 30) On some Sunday mornings you sometimes have breakfast before going to bed, not after you get up. 31) You don't see anything wrong with having a couple of beers before lunch if you feel like it. 32) Floors in certain bars are an ideal dumping ground for your colillas, servilletas etc. Why use a bin?! 33) You see clapping as an art form, not just a way to express approval. 34) You know ensaladilla rusa has nothing to do with Russia. 35) When you burst out laughing every time you see a Mitsubishi Pajero (thanks Stuart Line for reminding me of that one!) 36) You have friends named Jesus, Jose Maria, Maria Jose, Angel, maybe even Inmaculada Concepcion... 37) You know that 'ahora' doesn't really mean now. Hasta ahora, ahora vuelvo...etc 38)When you make arrangements to meet friends at 3, the first person turns up at 3.15...if you're lucky! 39) Central heating is most definitely a foreign concept. In winter, you just huddle around the heater under the table & pull the blanket up over your knees...and sleep with about 5 blankets on your bed! (OK I accepot this is probably just in the south!) 40) When you laugh, you don't laugh your head off - te partas de risa. 41) Aceite de oliva is 'muy sano', of course. So you help yourself to a bit more. 42) Every single news bulletin on TV has at least 10 minutes on Real Madrid news and another 10 on Barcelona news. 43) When it's totally normal for every kitchen to have a deep-fat fryer but no kettle. 44) Te cagas en la leche.... 45) To avoid that cheap Eristoff vodka you have to ask for 'un esmirnoff' 46) When you know what a guiri is / have been called one 47) When you add 'super' in front of any adjective for emphasis 48) Blonde girls actually start to think their name is 'rubia' 49) When you accept that paying with a 50 euro note is going to get you a dirty look if you're buying something that costs less than 40 euros 50) If something is great, it's 'de puta madre' 51) You can eat up to 5 times a day - first breakfast, 2nd breakfast around 11.30, almuerzo, merienda, cena 52) You know the jingle for Los Cuarenta Principales... 53) If you see someone wearing a T-shirt with something written on it in English, you can almost guarantee it won't make sense. (Pebble Night was a personal favourite) 54) When you go into a bank/bakery etc, it's standard practice to ask 'Quien es la ultima?' 55) Who needs a dryer when you have a washing line outside the window of your apartment? 56) You know what 'marcha' and 'juerga' are. 57) You are more likely to call your friends tio/a, nena, chaval, macho or even tronco than their real name. 58) Love it or hate it, you can't escape reggaeton. 59) You answer the phone by saying 'Yes', (well, or 'Tell me') and when identifying yourself you say 'I'm...' not 'It's...'. But when you try those tactics back home, everyone thinks you're mad or rude! 60) You carry on buying UHT milk when you get back home and your friends think this is disgusting but you can't understand their point of view. 61) Jamon, jamon y mas jamon.... (Can't say this was my favourite thing, being a a vegetarian and all, but I agree it's very much part of Spanish life!) 62) If you eat a lot of something, you're not going to 'turn into' it, you're going to 'get the face of it,' e.g 'te vas a poner cara de chocolate.' Somehow a lot more amusing! 63) Drinking coffee out of a glass is entirely normal. 64) 'Son las nueve, las ocho en Canarias' is how you are used to hearing radio DJs announce the time 65) You've been to your local town's feria/fiesta/semana santa 66) You're familiar with the term 'la crisis.' And have started shopping at Dia as a result (and of course, you take your own carrier bag). -- Figo : "每次我踢角球時,就感受到上帝跟我同在,叫我不要怕。" Ronaldo : "每次我接到傳球時,都感受的到上帝跟我說要往那裡衝。" Rivaldo : "上帝說祂只跟巴塞隆納的十號說話。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
antlai:這篇超讚..看完馬上去加入那group.. 01/04 23:26
pilichat:Me encanta esto JAJAJA 01/05 06:38
Donostia:GJ!!!! 01/05 07:18
Desigual:la radio de los exitos~ los 40 principales~~馬上唱lol 01/06 07:40
JoderTio:If something is great, it's 'de puta madre' 01/07 03:22
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: antlai () 看板: Spain 標題: Re: [文化] you know you've lived in Spain when... 時間: Mon Jan 5 03:01:49 2009 看完手很癢,我寫寫我這陣子住在Mallorca的感想,有些不一定和Mallorca有關就是了 西班牙不可思議 – Mallorca篇 這是一個台灣人在Mallorca所看到體驗到的,內容或許太過主觀偏頗不正確,我要強調 的是絕無冒犯之意,只是紀錄我自以為有趣的事。 1.你的Mallorquin朋友對於路程超過10公里或需要開車超過30分鐘的地方認定為"非常 遙遠",還要問什麼不待在Palma就好要跑去那麼遠的地方? 2.在Arenal,你看到的是德國人,牆上招牌是德文,連攤販賣的雜誌都是德文。你環顧 四週邊走邊思考著這到底是怎麼回事卻不小心和旁邊路人擦撞,聽到的是 entschuldigung而不是perdona… 3.你因為機票太貴無法去慕尼黑的Oktoberfest玩正扼腕的時候,朋友問你週末要不要 一起去Peguera(在Mallorca)的Oktoberfest。是的,德國人到Mallorca來玩來住來開店 ,現在連啤酒節都搬來… 4.你人在啤酒節現場和全場喝醉的德國人一邊吃香腸喝啤酒,一邊大合唱 Quien vive en Espana... 5.每個來Mallorca玩的人回去都會帶Ensaimada。 6.島上所有人在夏天的時候都是滿臉通紅,鼻子還脫皮。 7.排隊時在你後面的人不知何原因死命把他的整個身體往你背上貼,一邊還送你拐子只 因為他正和朋友聊天聊得手舞足蹈。 8.排隊結帳時你得等上10分鐘只因為前一位正在和店員聊天聊的正高興。 9.吃bocadillo必點sobrasada 10.不吃bocadillo就吃pa amb oli 11.你會在早上6點中午12點下午5點晚上9點和12點聽到隔壁傳來活塞運動的愉悅聲。有 時候聲音還會從隔壁正對著馬路的陽台傳過來,在下午4點的時候。 12.朋友之中有超過3個叫Jaume。 13.放假前的超市和台灣颱風來臨前的超市情況一模一樣。 14.週末半夜12點過後的paseo maritimo路旁擠滿了喝酒狂歡的青少年,不時還有人醉到 在大馬路中間散步。 15.朋友跟你說有個沙灘很棒,重點是超級隱密,一路上連路標都沒有保證沒什麼人知道 。於是你費盡千辛萬苦停車之後還走了30分鐘山路終於看到那個小而美的沙灘,景色超 美可是早已擠滿了德國人…你氣急敗壞找了德國朋友想知道現在是怎樣,終於發現這個 Mallorquin口中超隱密連路標都沒有的小沙灘早就被寫在每一本德文的Mallorca旅遊指 南上。 16.開車時後面的車子跟你跟到離你車大概只有一個拳頭的差距,在你緊張又生氣想不通 後面的車到底他媽的在做什麼的時候,你突然想起排隊的事情於是一切豁然開朗。 17.一群人碰面朋友親切問候hola, que tal?在你bien還沒說出口的時候他臉已經轉向繼 續和別人打招呼了。 18.在高速公路上有roundabout…註: 好吧朋友說那條不是高速公路,可是路又寬又直又 長車子還都開100以上,你在這個地方擺個roundabout是擺好看的嗎? 19.在Palma市中心以外,不管去哪裡你都會遇到超過三個以上的roundabout 20.你在夏天週日下午現身機場大廳會以為明天就是世界末日,全世界的人都擠在這裡準 備逃難。只是為什麼每個逃難的人手上都提著ensaimada? 21.壽星請吃的東西都是ensaimada和薄餅上面有鹹鹹配料像披薩之類的東西 22.你開始了解到當朋友說晚點再打電話給你的時候,他根本不會打。 23.講英文時會自動在所有s開頭的英文字前面加個e來發音 24.小孩子騎腳踏車必翹孤輪 25.青少年騎機車也喜歡翹孤輪 26.老人家翹不起來,要翹也是翹辮子,問問Arenal那堆德國老人就知道。 27.Club的DJ喜歡放YMCA 28.怎麼有寫不完的感覺... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
frogfly:推ensaimada跟德國人 XDDD 01/05 03:06
srwalpha:推~~你真的在西班牙嗎XDD 01/05 03:20
MissBrody:推. Mallorca的德國人有夠多. 翹孤輪也是一絕 01/05 21:46
JoderTio:23很經典 01/07 03:24