精華區beta Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Parker的扭傷目前看來不嚴重 但球團還未確定他能否在開幕戰上場 且如果Parker的確無法上場 那麼Udrih將會替代成為先發後衛 對於Parker及Udrih兩人,Duncan表示了一些看法 對於Parker「他本季從熱身賽開始就相當努力,我想他會很想上場打球,一旦他的 情況能夠上場,他一定會搶者上場。」 對於Udrih,Duncan認為Udrih從傷癒歸隊後一直都打得相當「Great」 原文在下方 From http://0rz.tw/4222N Tony Parker's sprained right ankle doesn't appear to be serious, but Spurs officials still don't know if he'll be available to play in Thursday's season opener in Dallas. Parker received treatment and did balancing exercises Tuesday but didn't practice. He is expected to test the ankle today by scripting plays and possibly participating in non-contact drills. "We'll see if he can move on it at all," coach Gregg Popovich said. "That will start to tell the tale." Parker rolled his ankle during practice Monday when he stepped on a teammate's foot. Popovich said the team's doctors gave Parker "a good report." "The MRI didn't show anything ugly," Popovich said. "It's just a sprained ankle , sore. "How much time it will take will depend mostly on pain tolerance and that kind of thing. But he definitely couldn't go out there today and cut on it." Beno Udrih will likely start at point guard if Parker can't play. Tim Duncan said Udrih has been playing "great" since returning from a hamstring injury. But Duncan isn't ready to rule out Parker playing Thursday. "He's worked hard this season, and he's been tremendous throughout this training camp, and he wants to be out there," Duncan said. "I imagine if he has the option to be out there, he'll be out there." ********* 拍謝~由於正陷入忙碌~因此先摘要翻譯一下 也煩請版主們這篇就別M了~沒翻到什麼,M了會讓我不好意思 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DAING:k大借轉阿 感謝囉:) 11/01 21:30
DAING:轉錄至看板 NBA_Fantasy 11/01 21:31
dogville:看來Popo當時果然是使激將法 他還是對Udrih有很深的期望 11/01 22:49
chasel99:比較像恐嚇法~ <( ̄▽ ̄)> 11/02 10:58