精華區beta Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Spurs Push Streak to 10 SAN ANTONIO (Ticker) -- The San Antonio Spurs drafted Manu Ginobili for his offense, not his offensive rebounding. 聖安東尼奧因為他的進攻能力選了Manu Ginobili,而不是他的進攻籃板能力(^_^) Ginobili came up with two key offensive rebounds in the final 90 seconds that allowed the Spurs to hold on for an 84-79 victory over the Portland Trail Blazers that gave them the best record in the NBA. Manu Ginobili在關鍵的終場前90秒抓下了兩個重要的進攻籃板球, 使得馬刺隊能夠抓下對拓荒者勝利,並且維持了目前NBA最好的戰績 The Spurs (58-20) have won 10 straight games to move one-half game ahead of Dallas in the Midwest Division. They are an astounding 38-7 since the All-Star break. 馬刺隊這段時間的10連勝已經在中西區拉開了與小牛隊半場的勝差(應該是一場了) 從明星賽後馬刺隊的戰績是38勝7負(怪可怕一把的) But they would not have won this one without the hustle of Ginobili, a rookie guard from Argentina whose ability to make plays off the dribble have taken some of the offensive pressure off superstar Tim Duncan. 不過沒有Manu Ginobili馬刺也不用想可以打成這樣子, 一個從阿根廷來的菜鳥後衛適時的分擔了鄧肯的進攻壓力 After two free throws by Bonzi Wells pulled Portland within 81-79 with 1:28 to play, Tony Parker missed a jumper that was run down by Ginobili, buying the Spurs some extra time before Dale Davis stole the ball from Duncan. 在比賽剩下1分28秒時,Bonzi Wells兩罰全進使得比賽帶進了81-79的僵局 Manu Ginobili抓下了一顆Parker的不進球,使得馬刺隊有了些喘息的空間, 但是接著Dale Davis又從鄧肯手上抄到關鍵的一球球 At the other end, former Spur Derek Anderson missed a running banker with 35 seconds to go. Parker again missed a jumper, but Ginobili barely beat a Trail Blazer to the loose ball and tapped it to Stephen Jackson, who was fouled with 10.6 seconds left and made both free throws. 另一方面,比賽只剩35秒時,前馬刺球員Derek Anderson一顆上籃不進 Parker也一球跳投未進,幸好Manu Ginobili抓下了這關鍵的一球並傳球給Jackson, 使的拓荒者不得不犯規將Jackson送上罰球線。時間只剩下10.6秒,Jackson穩穩的兩罰全進 第一次嘗試翻譯,請多指教^_^a -- Π ο ο看拎北灌籃啦 想的美 ● ● ﹨ 阿!見鬼小弟弟不要在哥哥面前灌籃喔 ﹨╲ ∕> / ● v ∠╲퐠 < ̄ ● 輸了.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
cliffwu:謝謝你... 推 04/10
Hanglin:不賴啊~ 推 04/10
kylekyle:好ㄚ~~對翻譯對我這種英文弱炮太重要了 推 04/10
motombo:感謝支持^_^a 推 04/10
neutrophil:翻譯的不錯耶,謝謝版主.... 推140.112.212.146 04/10
Q12345Q:版主翻譯的真是好,辛苦了 推 04/10
Ajay:版主加油!! 推 04/10
rafter:38勝7敗其實是2003年以後的戰績喔.. 推140.112.228.230 04/10
rafter:馬刺明星賽之後只輸四場:) 24W4L 推140.112.228.230 04/10
ognav:感恩,謝謝版主 ^^ 推140.112.205.244 04/11